Recent content by chrishacked

  1. C

    [SKIN] Habbo for RevCMS!

    Its Revcms works for xampp and IIS
  2. C

    [RevCMS] New Index Login Page.

    Made a quick register page for this in about 10 seconds...Anyways I might fix it up later in my free time. Download Link: Screenshot: Eyyy didn't work hard on this at all :P
  3. C

    RevCMS Help!

    .... go to your me.php and staff.php just use ctrl f..go to find and replace put in find : put in replace: Replace all
  4. C

    RevCMS Help!

    Go to your code and replace with your php page
  5. C

    RevCMS Help!

    Go to every broken image page find and replace with Go to your page sources and replace api.php with /client
  6. C

    Craig is fit lolol!

    Nah he's fat
  7. C

    Request Custom Staff Badge

    nah I just love your stuff :P
  8. C

    Request Custom Staff Badge

    Your hotel closed ;o
  9. C

    Any 1.3.1 Minecraft server's?

    Quacksters is ;P
  10. C

    Why dose my retro say its offline?

    ....I would like to see your retro link to see what it is...Or you can tell me what cms and emu it uses
  11. C

    Why dose my retro say its offline?

    link and type ex: r63 non -ham v26 ham
  12. C

    I need help im getting the same error

    Tr-Tr-Tr-Tr-Triple Post!