Recent content by Cakeless

  1. Cakeless

    Introduction Helloooooooooo

  2. Cakeless

    Show DevBest Iko Plugins

    These are a few Iko plugins made by me, with their forum threads on the main Iko website in place. Simple Like Extension This extension enables a user to "Like" a post. Check it out! Simple Username Change This plugin will allow users who have the `change_username` permission to change their...
  3. Cakeless

    League of Legends 2014 World Championship, who are you rooting for?

    Well TSM found a weakness in their strategy and was able to exploit that, hopefully the Chinese will learn.
  4. Cakeless

    ribbon - The ridiculously quiet blog with backend API

    I've been following the progress on GitHub. Seems to go along smoothly. Goodluck!
  5. Cakeless

    League of Legends 2014 World Championship, who are you rooting for?

    I was rooting for TSM, but now they're out, I might go for Samsung White or Royal Club.
  6. Cakeless

    Introduction Helloooooooooo

    Thanks, it's kinda cute. And no, I've just made extensions on open source softwares like Iko and further improving the features on existing PHP libraries. P.s. I can't link anything yet.
  7. Cakeless

    Introduction Helloooooooooo

    Hey! I'm Cakeless from Singapore. I'm a back-end developer (mostly PHP) and came here to check stuff out, and maybe learn from the community. I hope I can learn more programming languages as well. :)