Recent content by C0pyright

  1. C

    How activate GOTW?
  2. C

    [AtomCMS][Windows][Nitro] How do I do...

    about 2nd question, so it’s not possible to use only ;points username amount for gotw just changing something in the emulator settings?
  3. C

    [AtomCMS][Windows][Nitro] How do I do...

    i have 2 questions: 1) how can i add an icon to gotw points in the client and leaderboard? 2) is there a way I can use the ;points command just to give gotw points? and therefore do not use ;points username amount 102, but only ;points username amounts? and therefore for diamonds use :diamonds...
  4. C

    Client stuck 20% [fixed]

    so what i have to do?
  5. C

    Client stuck 20% [fixed]

    Hi guys, i followed object tutorial about setup retro, but i got client stuck at 20% with these errors in console (i attach screenshot) i tried to change externaltexts file and also to download latest version of node_modules/@nitrots/nitro-renderer (then recompiled), but i still got the error...
  6. C

    ERROR 500 FastCGI [FIXED]

    i tried to use PHP 8.1.27 but it still doesn't work
  7. C

    How to set up a retro in 2025 (IIS) (Nitro HTML5) - (Part 3)

    i've done every steps but now when i visit localhost i got this error: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error C:\Program Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe - FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout Most probable causes: IIS received the request, but an internal error occurred while processing...
  8. C

    ERROR 500 FastCGI [FIXED]

    Hi everyone. I followed object's guide for creating a hotel. I followed all the steps, but when I visit the localhost page I get this error: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error C:\Program Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe - FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout Most probable causes: IIS...
  9. C

    Nitro imager problem

    { "": "localhost", "api.port": 3030, "asset.url": "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/public/nitro-assets", "gamedata.url": "${asset.url}/gamedata", "": "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/atomcms/public/nitro-assets/saved-figures", "avatar.actions.url"...
  10. C

    Nitro imager problem

    Edit: i've used command npm audit fix and now i don't have errors, but still don't see the avatar in homepage
  11. C

    Nitro imager problem

    Hi guys, i've followed @Object tutorial about setup nitro imager. when I used the npm i command in the cmd I got the error of which I attach a screenshot. I still continued to follow the steps but after completing everything, when I visit the homepage nothing appears where the avatar should...
  12. C

    How to remove HC subscription info

  13. C

    How to remove HC subscription info

    i can't buy subscription in the catalogue, there are only furnies about the hc. i tried to find something in the database but i'm not really sure that i'm in the right place lol i attach a screenshot
  14. C

    How to remove HC subscription info

    what u mean hc days, where can i find it?
  15. C

    How to remove HC subscription info

    i have another question. there is a way to set the hc subscription as infinite? i tried just to increase value at hc_on_register_duration in the database, but when i log in the client the emulator send this error: