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  • Hi dev, I need help with my hotel. Group badge isn't showing up? I'm running on braincms and PlusEMU. I tried looking through every single post in devbest forum for a fix, I tried all and can't seems to get my group badge working. Thanks.
    you can add me on discord: supremekg#3632
    Hey Boii, could u help me with BrainCMS, i cant get the login to work after registered user.
    Discord: Joni#7575
    hey i have a problem with my avatar/character not showing in my hotel can you please help me?

    p.s i can,t send private msg,s yet sooo thats why i post it here :)
    hey, uhh i just got a small issue ive been trying to figure out for an hour.... its probably mad easy the error is " Warning: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. in C:\xampp\htdocs\system\app\classes\class.db.php on line 7 " if you know how to fix this please get back to me :) thanks
    hello, i am croc. i would like to speak to you. add me on discord. CrocodileLoL
    Could you do me a logo for hablex something unique the banner u made was pretty cool!!! i want a logo that lights up haah
    I need help in some lost packages, I am trying to update to PRODUCTION-201812272209-984739530, it is enough of c ## among others, but the packages are not fixed.

    I am Spanish, forgive me for my English
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