Where to begin?


Apr 12, 2015
Hey guys,
I've wanted to learn how to code for a long time now,
The math scares me though,
I've decided that over the summer I want to learn.
Where would I begin to learn how to write my own websites/CMS's/Databases?

I'm honestly tired of leaching off other people and would absolutely love to be able to contribute my own work.

I feel like I should begin with HTML, then PHP, then C#, but after that' i'm lost.

How did all of the other's learn? I'm not looking for a step by step guide but would love to know what languages is needed to begin :)

Thank you all!


Jan 23, 2014
Hey Strangirs,
I learned coding through (in my opinion) the best site on the web. Codecademy. It learns you to code HTML, Javascript, PHP and all that stuff.
Databases aren't so hard. The databases itself can easily be made with Navicat, Phpmyadmin, or as I prefer, Microsoft Acces. The part that becomes bit more difficult, is connecting your database to your website, for which PHP skills are required.

I'd say, go take some (free!) courses on codecademy.com, and see if that can help you out. It is worth your time, and will stick to you the rest of your life.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on skype or Devbest.

Good luck!


Apr 12, 2015
Hey Strangirs,
I learned coding through (in my opinion) the best site on the web. Codecademy. It learns you to code HTML, Javascript, PHP and all that stuff.
Databases aren't so hard. The databases itself can easily be made with Navicat, Phpmyadmin, or as I prefer, Microsoft Acces. The part that becomes bit more difficult, is connecting your database to your website, for which PHP skills are required.

I'd say, go take some (free!) courses on codecademy.com, and see if that can help you out. It is worth your time, and will stick to you the rest of your life.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on skype or Devbest.

Good luck!
Thank you!
I plan on beginning after my finals :)


I love milfs.
Jun 25, 2011
If it's something you never worked with, you're going to have ALOT of trouble just jumping to to actually learn how to code. Coding a CMS, EMU isn't as easy as others make it look. They have been doing it for years. Everyone starts off by messing around, getting familiar with codes. Don't jump right into code academies. Actually start your own private hotel, and see if that's something you want to spend your dedicated time on. Wish you the best of luck bud.



Apr 12, 2015
If it's something you never worked with, you're going to have ALOT of trouble just jumping to to actually learn how to code. Coding a CMS, EMU isn't as easy as others make it look. They have been doing it for years. Everyone starts off by messing around, getting familiar with codes. Don't jump right into code academies. Actually start your own private hotel, and see if that's something you want to spend your dedicated time on. Wish you the best of luck bud.

I have one set up now, but am not really interested in having it fully open until I know what the code means, how to fully edit it, and make it unique.
I've had one in the past with ~30 Users which later was shut down do to errors, hackers, and money (I was very young at the time).

I know the basics of servers and somewhat understand the general code of CMS's and such, so I feel that jumping into code academy is something worthwhile.

Thanks for all the suggestions!


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
I learned by reading through other's codes, and trying to understand it and define what each script does. It helps a lot honestly, and so far every year I have at least tripled my knowledge in coding from the previous. CodeAcademy is alright, but it feels like w3schools to me, so it didn't help really.

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