Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

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Dec 14, 2013
hello Devbest!
I'm back coding a social networking website again from scratch.
It's gonna be a slow development but when I'm done, I'll probably release it or I might just keep it to myself if you guys don't want it, lol.

I was coding a social network before (like 7-8 months ago, stopped due school) and I did not finish it, this one will guaranteed be finished.
As I said it's gonna be a slow development so it'll probably take like 2-3 months, cuz i still need to study a lot.

Alright, here's some snippets of the code so far:
(note that none of these classes are 100% done)

-> Core class
-> engine
-> init class
-> mysqli connecting class
-> template class

that's some snippets, if you want to see more i can fix it up in github.
there's a lot of stuff i need to add (user class etc), and fix. But if you see any bug, tell me so I can fix it!

Anyways here's the design, im sticking to the "dark-ish theme":
-> Index

that's what i have so far.

Tell me what you think so far!


DevBest CEO
May 28, 2011
Will you be opening this up to the general public?
If so, what does it have that Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc doesn't have? (tip: if you could whip up a secure, anonymous(?) social network, you may have a viable product)


Dec 14, 2013
Will you be opening this up to the general public?
If so, what does it have that Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc doesn't have? (tip: if you could whip up a secure, anonymous(?) social network, you may have a viable product)
belive me i have this crazy idea in my head but it's hard to explain. you'll see when i start coding the home page and stuff like that. It's not close to facebook neither twitter or instagram (ofc you'll be able to post photos and things)

it'll be easier to explain then.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Message me if you need help designing for it, I designed a social network theme a while back..and I have some extra time on my hands, so I could probably help you out.


Dec 14, 2013
Message me if you need help designing for it, I designed a social network theme a while back..and I have some extra time on my hands, so I could probably help you out.
great! im fine atm but i might need some help later.


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
I really hope you reconsider the design, it's not very appealing. Too dark for a social network. But other than that good luck.


Many men wish death upon me.
Jun 16, 2011
Good luck with this. I would reconsider the name, I personally don't find "HamzaNET" appealing - nor does it seem appropriate for a social network.


Posting Freak
Oct 11, 2012
The theme has potential, how ever like others have said it's quite dark and I am not a huge fan of the font but it's simple which I like :)


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
I don't see what's bad about taking the route of doing a dark theme - so long as you continue that 'dark' feel throughout and keep it consistent. It does need work though. For example: why not just include the register/login on the index, this will remove the need for the user to add another step towards joining your site, as it makes it more easier to access. Just an idea.


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
I see in your code you have lines such as:

return file_exists($this->_path . $file . '.php') ? true : false;

You don't need to do the whole '? true : false' part. file_exists returns a boolean anyway so the code below will suffice:

return file_exists($this->_path . $file . '.php');

Your code is basically saying:

if (file_exists($this->_path . $file . '.php')) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

But there is no need as true/false will be returned from file_exists anyway.


Dec 14, 2013
I really hope you reconsider the design, it's not very appealing. Too dark for a social network. But other than that good luck.
yeah i probably should, i was trying to make something unique and dark themed design does not appear in most social networks(atleast what i've seen) and idk how you feel but for me it's more chill with a dark theme. But i'll make another theme a bit more "brighter" and happier colors.

Good luck with this. I would reconsider the name, I personally don't find "HamzaNET" appealing - nor does it seem appropriate for a social network.
thanks. I could not come up with an name, if you have any any name i could use, tell it and i'll probably use it! :D

The theme has potential, how ever like others have said it's quite dark and I am not a huge fan of the font but it's simple which I like :)
yeah, i'll make a "brighter" theme after i'm done with the first one. Thank you.

I don't see what's bad about taking the route of doing a dark theme - so long as you continue that 'dark' feel throughout and keep it consistent. It does need work though. For example: why not just include the register/login on the index, this will remove the need for the user to add another step towards joining your site, as it makes it more easier to access. Just an idea.

i made so when u press the Login, a login box will slide down from the top and i'll probably use ajax so you do not need to refresh shit. Same with the register.

I see in your code you have lines such as:

return file_exists($this->_path . $file . '.php') ? true : false;

You don't need to do the whole '? true : false' part. file_exists returns a boolean anyway so the code below will suffice:

return file_exists($this->_path . $file . '.php');

Your code is basically saying:

if (file_exists($this->_path . $file . '.php')) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

But there is no need as true/false will be returned from file_exists anyway.
I didn't know that, thank you will fix it!


Aug 13, 2012
Going to be completely honest here, but I dislike the index a lot. To me, it looks like things have been randomly placed. [Mainly the heading and links in the footer.]
I see what you're trying to achieve with it being dark, and its actually not such a bad idea.. though the 'look' needs to be improved. Also as @Magic said, not a huge fan of the font.

How you can improve it: Make the heading centered, Choose a better font, possibly put the login form on the homepage [maybe registering as well], and clean the footer links up. But a complete redesign would be the best choice.

Seems like an alright project, so good luck :)


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
i made so when u press the Login, a login box will slide down from the top and i'll probably use ajax so you do not need to refresh shit. Same with the register.
Making a website, especially a site that's aim to be accessed often, isn't about special effects or even using the most advanced skills... User experience comes in to it a lot (UX). Your website is more likely (in my opinion) going to get more registrations with an easy to access login/registration, as it saves the user one extra step of having to click a button in order register - it's simple and picky steps like this which make sites stand out.

If your sites sole purpose of the home page is for people to either login or register, then surely you are wanting that to attract their attention as soon as they visit, right? May be worth reconsidering it. However, it is your project so you do it how you like, good luck! :)


Dec 14, 2013
Making a website, especially a site that's aim to be accessed often, isn't about special effects or even using the most advanced skills... User experience comes in to it a lot (UX). Your website is more likely (in my opinion) going to get more registrations with an easy to access login/registration, as it saves the user one extra step of having to click a button in order register - it's simple and picky steps like this which make sites stand out.

If your sites sole purpose of the home page is for people to either login or register, then surely you are wanting that to attract their attention as soon as they visit, right? May be worth reconsidering it. However, it is your project so you do it how you like, good luck! :)
yeah you're right, i'll remove the effects and make it so you can register and login from the index.

Going to be completely honest here, but I dislike the index a lot. To me, it looks like things have been randomly placed. [Mainly the heading and links in the footer.]
I see what you're trying to achieve with it being dark, and its actually not such a bad idea.. though the 'look' needs to be improved. Also as @Magic said, not a huge fan of the font.

How you can improve it: Make the heading centered, Choose a better font, possibly put the login form on the homepage [maybe registering as well], and clean the footer links up. But a complete redesign would be the best choice.

Seems like an alright project, so good luck :)

Thank you, i will fix that!


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
yeah you're right, i'll remove the effects and make it so you can register and login from the index.

If you're still a fan of the effects, why not make the registration slide down upon page load - although I'd limit the effects to only having them on elements that are important to the end user.


New Member
Jul 24, 2014
It's not anything special, you're a novice PHP coder with awful design skills.

For a start, PHP isn't very scalable (don't go down the route of Facebook uses it blah blah), you should consider a more scalable language.
Secondly, the design is awful, basic HTML and not appealing at all. You need colour, something to make it stand out and involve the user.
Lastly, the name is atrocious too, "HamzaNET"? What does that give to the network, what does it promote?

Finally, a question, is this responsive?


Dec 14, 2013
It's not anything special, you're a novice PHP coder with awful design skills.

For a start, PHP isn't very scalable (don't go down the route of Facebook uses it blah blah), you should consider a more scalable language.
Secondly, the design is awful, basic HTML and not appealing at all. You need colour, something to make it stand out and involve the user.
Lastly, the name is atrocious too, "HamzaNET"? What does that give to the network, what does it promote?

Finally, a question, is this responsive?

i know, im not trying to make some mlg 420 blaze it website and earn millions, i've been coding for 2 years now and i know that my design is awful, nothing i care about.
I learned html while i was watching php tutorials, so basically im really fucking bad at html and css. If i add colours and make it a bit happier theme, there'll always be someone telling me that im copying something or someone, so went for the dark-ish theme. The name is just a temporary name.

i've got no updates on the social network but im coding a data engine (json) (haven't copied jtpox, but got the idea from him.), that i MIGHT(or just screw around with it) implement into the social network, you guys tell me if it's a good idea to implement it.
here's some code snippets:

(note that the prepareSelectFrom method is not done)
finish it
a lot of bug fixing
clean the code a lot
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