R.I.P Juice WRLD - Gone but never forgotten.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
I disagree with wanting to do drugs, because not everyone is given the choice to NOT do drugs, sometimes it seems as though it's their only option. In some cases, it may be true, but I don't think homeless people who are addicted to drugs just say oh I wanna be addicted to drugs. They are usually people that had a decent life and they got torn down by this screwed up world and society and they thought using drugs was their only option. So in a sense can you really blame the person that got beat down and thought there was no other option?

Not saying every situation is like that, because I mean I completely agree with the statements, they mention it in their songs, so it's like they are clearly aware of what they're doing, but I think of rap as more of a way of expressing what they're going through rather than just trying to influence others to repeat what they're doing.
Homeless people often get homeless due to drugs. You got that turned around.

As an artist you should be aware that you influence people.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
It's funny people think openly talking about drugs having the ability to kill you, destroying your life and only able to experience happiness with them is "bragging about it."

Admitting faults publicly and speaking on them is no where near encouraging people to do it. Peep, X and Juice all talked about the pros and cons.

It's easy enough for a bunch of people to say "well you should never do drugs in the first place" or similar things. But, unless you grow up in that lifestyle
amongst the negative influences all around you from family members, randoms, abusive police and so forth - you won't understand the reasons why people turn to drugs.
It literally is drugs or suicide for most people.

The rebab centers, counsellors and any other services offered to help combat these 'problem's all suck. The people working in them usually are abusive, do it for cash only and don't care about the humanity portion. Or the places are under funded and cannot even afford to provide the promised services. You end up with people spending weeks heavily medicated on smaller doses of drugs they abuse suddenly being kicked out and put back on the street after being "rehabbed."

America literally just bullies the people suffering, throws out half baked solutions and gets pissed at the victims when they fail. This entire thread is victim shaming at its best.

We get it, he overdosed and it's his "fault." Quit looking at it as if he wasn't a human capable of failing. Being successful has no relation with magically abstaining from anything bad. Celebrities usually end up on heavier drugs because they're overworked, have no privacy and are forced to live multiple lives for the sake of their corporate sponsors. Shit, I feel bad for him. The man was just trying to get through the day and lost his life for it.

Drugs shouldn't have the ability to put you in the same predicament as people who commit murder, assault or violent crimes. Because our legal system is flawed, people either serve 30+ years over weed or overdose to escape the horrible life in prisons.

Why are we mentioning X? They are in a similar genre but are not the same people. If you don't know who the dude is, look him up and give him a minute for respect.
It's the same as your neighbor telling you to piss off when a family member dies because they never met them. Juice was someone's son, someone's grand child, boyfriend and more. Respect his living family
if you won't respect him.
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Homeless people often get homeless due to drugs. You got that turned around.

As an artist you should be aware that you influence people.
Homeless people usually have higher rates of mental illness.

Mental illness victims have substantially higher rates of drug abuse. The likelihood of getting addicted to drugs is higher, likelihood of even trying drugs is higher and they are around people who probably used or want to use due to

Mental illness is the cause of the problem and drug abuse is just the side effect. Not every mentally ill person will turn to drugs and not every drug user is mentally ill. But the highest amount of users, suffer heavily without help for mental illness. It's a very expensive problem to handle (Psych doctors are literally hundreds a hour, therapists are hundred a hour, general doctors are hundreds a hour) and that's not including the trial and effort effect of having hundreds of different medications that may or may not work.

Treating mental health on my end has been literally thousands of dollars and it's only getting marginally better year after year. I take this drug issue personally after seeing friends, family members and others suffer from it.


Web Developer
Aug 6, 2015
My purpose for this thread was to spread awareness to the drug epidemic in the hip-hop/rap culture.

It truly needs to be put to an end, it truly shouldn't be the "normal" for rappers to become addicted to drugs.

Normally rappers use their music to spread a message about life although some artist add money and girls into the mix there is always a meaning behind every piece of work.

Juice WRLD openly spoke about his struggles with depression and the only way for him to cope was popping percocets.

I truly do agree with @LeChris and his statement above. Although this young man did lose his life to drugs we can only have RESPECT for him and his family that are still living.

Juice, X, and Peep's music helped me and many others like me through rough times in our life. Not everyone's life is glamorous and just spectacular, many people struggle with something at some point in time and there only way to escape is listening to music, which was the case for me.

If anyone that read's this is struggling with a drug addiction please seek help or just reach out because we all do care for you no matter how rude they are, they still care. YOU DO MATTER, please just reach out is all I ask.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
It's easy enough for a bunch of people to say "well you should never do drugs in the first place" or similar things. But, unless you grow up in that lifestyle
amongst the negative influences all around you from family members, randoms, abusive police and so forth - you won't understand the reasons why people turn to drugs.
It literally is drugs or suicide for most people.
Except he really didn't have that life. He lived in a fairly decent suburb with a conservative mom who gave him piano lessons, a guitar with guitar lessons, a drum kit. He didn't have a rough childhood. He made a decision early on to use drugs, and bragged about it in interviews ('new kids just learning about lean when niggas been having it in they lunch boxes since middle school'). Then bragged about it in his songs (50k for a codeine fountain in his house lol). You can say he had a positive influence on people, but there's no doubt he had a negative influence as well.
We get it, he overdosed and it's his "fault." Quit looking at it as if he wasn't a human capable of failing. Being successful has no relation with magically abstaining from anything bad. Celebrities usually end up on heavier drugs because they're overworked, have no privacy and are forced to live multiple lives for the sake of their corporate sponsors. Shit, I feel bad for him. The man was just trying to get through the day and lost his life for it.
I too like to try and get through the day by flying private with more drugs than anyone needs, and then swallowing a bunch of pills to hide an insignificant percentage of the overall drugs I brought with me.

There's people in this world whose actions each day help improve the world. Those are the people who deserve to be called legends.
Post automatically merged:

I disagree with wanting to do drugs, because not everyone is given the choice to NOT do drugs, sometimes it seems as though it's their only option. In some cases, it may be true, but I don't think homeless people who are addicted to drugs just say oh I wanna be addicted to drugs. They are usually people that had a decent life and they got torn down by this screwed up world and society and they thought using drugs was their only option. So in a sense can you really blame the person that got beat down and thought there was no other option?
No one is forced to do drugs lol. Kid was drinking lean when he was 11 and and doing bars when he 13/14. You know what other options he had besides that? Literally anything else.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Except he really didn't have that life. He lived in a fairly decent suburb with a conservative mom who gave him piano lessons, a guitar with guitar lessons, a drum kit. He didn't have a rough childhood. He made a decision early on to use drugs, and bragged about it in interviews ('new kids just learning about lean when niggas been having it in they lunch boxes since middle school'). Then bragged about it in his songs (50k for a codeine fountain in his house lol). You can say he had a positive influence on people, but there's no doubt he had a negative influence as well.

I too like to try and get through the day by flying private with more drugs than anyone needs, and then swallowing a bunch of pills to hide an insignificant percentage of the overall drugs I brought with me.

There's people in this world whose actions each day help improve the world. Those are the people who deserve to be called legends.
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No one is forced to do drugs lol. Kid was drinking lean when he was 11 and and doing bars when he 13/14. You know what other options he had besides that? Literally anything else.

His "fairly decent suburb" has one of the highest crime rates in the nation. If you ever stepped foot out of your own city and saw how most of this country is living and exposed to, you would turn your opinions around quickly.

Not to mention, the influence from Chicago on pushing drugs into children is extremely high. Children and teens are targeted because it's easier to build repeat customers off of them by getting them addicted early.

His parents got divorced when he was a young child and if his mom was this loving "conservative" mother, a high chance she was living vicariously through him by shoving him into every program she could. Most people don't start taking hard drugs out of boredom. It definitely was out of stress from either being pushed too hard in various programs, the criminal tendencies amongst exposed youth in the burbs and so on.

For reference, I grew up in a city with a crime index of 9. We had shootings daily on my block, police cars constantly blocking the entire neighborhood off from entry or exiting during the high crime periods, extreme exposure to drugs as a normality and gangs everywhere. You're clearly biased from lack of exposure to the real world. This country in itself is falling apart and Juice's drug problems are not exclusive to him or other rappers.

They just get more bad rapport for being public figures. Drugs are everywhere and especially so in poverty ridden areas. Don't pretend like he just took drugs for the lulz. Not everyone is an idiotic habbotard


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
His "fairly decent suburb" has one of the highest crime rates in the nation. If you ever stepped foot out of your own city and saw how most of this country is living and exposed to, you would turn your opinions around quickly.

Not to mention, the influence from Chicago on pushing drugs into children is extremely high. Children and teens are targeted because it's easier to build repeat customers off of them by getting them addicted early.

His parents got divorced when he was a young child and if his mom was this loving "conservative" mother, a high chance she was living vicariously through him by shoving him into every program she could. Most people don't start taking hard drugs out of boredom. It definitely was out of stress from either being pushed too hard in various programs, the criminal tendencies amongst exposed youth in the burbs and so on.

For reference, I grew up in a city with a crime index of 9. We had shootings daily on my block, police cars constantly blocking the entire neighborhood off from entry or exiting during the high crime periods, extreme exposure to drugs as a normality and gangs everywhere. You're clearly biased from lack of exposure to the real world. This country in itself is falling apart and Juice's drug problems are not exclusive to him or other rappers.

They just get more bad rapport for being public figures. Drugs are everywhere and especially so in poverty ridden areas. Don't pretend like he just took drugs for the lulz. Not everyone is an idiotic habbotard

He didn't grow up in Riverdale or Fuller Park. Homewood may not be Naperville, buy he didn't have it tough. Even I grew up in a rougher neighborhood than him lol:

"Pushing drugs onto kids". Ah yeah, you're right. He definitely didn't want to buy lean himself when he was 11. He was forced into handing over money to a drug dealer for the lean, then another person forced the lean down his throat. Get a grip on reality kid.

"A high chance she was living vicariously through him". "It definitely was out of stress". LOL. Speculation turns to definitive statements. There's a high chance he took drugs cause he wanted to be cool, or fit in with his peers, or succumbed to peer pressure. None of that is being forced. He WANTED the lifestyle where it seems reasonable to fly around with 70 pounds of weed.

Dude I grew up in 5th ward and then Mission Bend, don't tell me I have no lack of exposure to the real world. Just cause you grew up in a city with high crime doesn't mean you lived in any of those neighborhoods lol. Not that it's even believable, since I doubt there were gangs everywhere in Paris, Kentucky LOL.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013

He didn't grow up in Riverdale or Fuller Park. Homewood may not be Naperville, buy he didn't have it tough. Even I grew up in a rougher neighborhood than him lol:

"Pushing drugs onto kids". Ah yeah, you're right. He definitely didn't want to buy lean himself when he was 11. He was forced into handing over money to a drug dealer for the lean, then another person forced the lean down his throat. Get a grip on reality kid.

"A high chance she was living vicariously through him". "It definitely was out of stress". LOL. Speculation turns to definitive statements. There's a high chance he took drugs cause he wanted to be cool, or fit in with his peers, or succumbed to peer pressure. None of that is being forced. He WANTED the lifestyle where it seems reasonable to fly around with 70 pounds of weed.

Dude I grew up in 5th ward and then Mission Bend, don't tell me I have no lack of exposure to the real world. Just cause you grew up in a city with high crime doesn't mean you lived in any of those neighborhoods lol. Not that it's even believable, since I doubt there were gangs everywhere in Paris, Kentucky LOL.
You do know I’m from Decatur, Illinois.

Unsure what Paris, Kentucky is. I never been to Kentucky.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
You do know I’m from Decatur, Illinois.

Unsure what Paris, Kentucky is. I never been to Kentucky.
Basically I agree with @Ecko here, and I did want to add that you're adding a lot of speculation here. Also about others commenting on this thread. I've had first hand experience of dealing with someone in my family for years who was addicted to drugs. Addiction runs in my family and I've also had my run ins with it (not hard drugs). Besides that you called me privileged, what a bullshit is that. I worked hard to get where I am now. It's probably not comparable with Juice, but don't jump to conclusions because you literally know nothing about my life.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Basically I agree with @Ecko here, and I did want to add that you're adding a lot of speculation here. Also about others commenting on this thread. I've had first hand experience of dealing with someone in my family for years who was addicted to drugs. Addiction runs in my family and I've also had my run ins with it (not hard drugs). Besides that you called me privileged, what a bullshit is that. I worked hard to get where I am now. It's probably not comparable with Juice, but don't jump to conclusions because you literally know nothing about my life.
It's pretty comparable when you're babbling about your own struggles with being diagnosed with mental illnesses to the internet, then down another man for talking about his struggles on the internet.

Not too much speculation, the crime statistics are there. Regarding mental health, he has talked very openly about it dozens of times and his own name comes from a movie character who went down a dark path due to mental problems.

Drugs are not "wee hee, I love getting high! Fuck the system, I just wanna smoke dope and vote democratic!" It's, "holy shit, I feel horrible literally all the time and nothing can take the agony of existence away from me. The come down is going to be horrible, but I will end up killing myself if I can't feel any slight happiness from this come up."

Quit thinking what Ronald Reagan made popular. He was a bad president and the war on drugs is a war on humanity


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Drugs are not "wee hee, I love getting high! Fuck the system, I just wanna smoke dope and vote democratic!" It's, "holy shit, I feel horrible literally all the time and nothing can take the agony of existence away from me. The come down is going to be horrible, but I will end up killing myself if I can't feel any slight happiness from this come up."

Quit thinking what Ronald Reagan made popular. He was a bad president and the war on drugs is a war on humanity
Yeah, you're completely wrong there. Majority of people take drugs because they want to, to get high. The only persons who don't do it for fun are the ones who get addicted on opioids in medicine, which fucks them up. The moment you are in a fucked up place, you choose to take drugs as an escape.

It's pretty comparable when you're babbling about your own struggles with being diagnosed with mental illnesses to the internet, then down another man for talking about his struggles on the internet.

Also, seriously, this is the second time you've referred to me talking about my issues with mental illness. What are you trying to achieve here? Making me feel bad about that I found a non-drug related way of dealing with my issues with it? Are you feeling better about yourself now? I made a choice on how to deal with my issues. And as for other famous rappers who had struggles but didn't turn to drugs, you might want to check out the artist NF for example. I'm quite sure he went through more shit in his life than Juice WRLD has. Read some of his lyrics. He's using music as an outlet, not drugs. Because he chose to do so.

Besides that, I'm not "downing another man for talking about his struggles" - bragging in your songs that you'll die at 21 and rapping about taking drugs, that's what I'm taking issues with. If anything, it sets an example for other people with issues who follow his lead and also start taking drugs to solve their issues. That's what I'm taking an issue with, and that's why I don't like the guy. That's my opinion.

You really should stop making assumptions about others and saying bullshit like that. Because you're putting words in my mouth that I've never used. Besides that, mental illness or not, everyone is still accountable for their own actions. We're also not going to defend paedophiles because they're mentally ill (even though that's a bit of an overexaggerated example).
Last edited:


Dec 20, 2011
Yeah, you're completely wrong there. Majority of people take drugs because they want to, to get high. The only persons who don't do it for fun are the ones who get addicted on opioids in medicine, which fucks them up. The moment you are in a fucked up place, you choose to take drugs as an escape.

Also, seriously, this is the second time you've referred to me talking about my issues with mental illness. What are you trying to achieve here? Making me feel bad about that I found a non-drug related way of dealing with my issues with it? Are you feeling better about yourself now? I made a choice on how to deal with my issues. And as for other famous rappers who had struggles but didn't turn to drugs, you might want to check out the artist NF for example. I'm quite sure he went through more shit in his life than Juice WRLD has. Read some of his lyrics. He's using music as an outlet, not drugs. Because he chose to do so.

Besides that, I'm not "downing another man for talking about his struggles" - bragging in your songs that you'll die at 21 and rapping about taking drugs, that's what I'm taking issues with. If anything, it sets an example for other people with issues who follow his lead and also start taking drugs to solve their issues. That's what I'm taking an issue with, and that's why I don't like the guy. That's my opinion.

You really should stop making assumptions about others and saying bullshit like that. Because you're putting words in my mouth that I've never used. Besides that, mental illness or not, everyone is still accountable for their own actions. We're also not going to defend paedophiles because they're mentally ill (even though that's a bit of an overexaggerated example).

There's very few people I would say "good riddance" to when they die at 21, and this dude (never heard of him either) is probably not one of them. Cool story but you're weird.


Jan 6, 2019
Basically I agree with @Ecko here, and I did want to add that you're adding a lot of speculation here. Also about others commenting on this thread. I've had first hand experience of dealing with someone in my family for years who was addicted to drugs. Addiction runs in my family and I've also had my run ins with it (not hard drugs). Besides that you called me privileged, what a bullshit is that. I worked hard to get where I am now. It's probably not comparable with Juice, but don't jump to conclusions because you literally know nothing about my life.
Being honest, no one dissing your life in any way. It's the fact that you're trying to diss someone else's life who is no longer alive. If you had an opinion, you had an opinion, but since you decided to say, "good riddance," and said you didn't care for the guy because you didn't know him was why I made my comment to inform you of who he was. Who are we to judge anyone's life, especially someone we don't know or never even knew at one point.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Yeah, you're completely wrong there. Majority of people take drugs because they want to, to get high. The only persons who don't do it for fun are the ones who get addicted on opioids in medicine, which fucks them up. The moment you are in a fucked up place, you choose to take drugs as an escape.

Also, seriously, this is the second time you've referred to me talking about my issues with mental illness. What are you trying to achieve here? Making me feel bad about that I found a non-drug related way of dealing with my issues with it? Are you feeling better about yourself now? I made a choice on how to deal with my issues. And as for other famous rappers who had struggles but didn't turn to drugs, you might want to check out the artist NF for example. I'm quite sure he went through more shit in his life than Juice WRLD has. Read some of his lyrics. He's using music as an outlet, not drugs. Because he chose to do so.

Besides that, I'm not "downing another man for talking about his struggles" - bragging in your songs that you'll die at 21 and rapping about taking drugs, that's what I'm taking issues with. If anything, it sets an example for other people with issues who follow his lead and also start taking drugs to solve their issues. That's what I'm taking an issue with, and that's why I don't like the guy. That's my opinion.

You really should stop making assumptions about others and saying bullshit like that. Because you're putting words in my mouth that I've never used. Besides that, mental illness or not, everyone is still accountable for their own actions. We're also not going to defend paedophiles because they're mentally ill (even though that's a bit of an overexaggerated example).
That’s a reach to pick a random Christian rapper for having a hard life


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
That’s a reach to pick a random Christian rapper for having a hard life
Not a reach at all, one of the rising stars in rap and quite well known, dare to say, more known than Juice. So is this your only comeback or what?

Besides that it doesn't matter which person it is, stretch or not, it's an example of having a choice.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Not a reach at all, one of the rising stars in rap and quite well known, dare to say, more known than Juice. So is this your only comeback or what?

Besides that it doesn't matter which person it is, stretch or not, it's an example of having a choice.
More along the lines of you basically saying “I don’t respect his rap style and instead of respecting his family after death I am going to pout about how this white rapper had a hard life”

again, more unrelated bullshit spewing from the comments on how this man doesn’t deserve respect because he’s a black rapper making music you don’t agree with.

Let the family grieve and play your gospel music quietly


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
More along the lines of you basically saying “I don’t respect his rap style and instead of respecting his family after death I am going to pout about how this white rapper had a hard life”

again, more unrelated bullshit spewing from the comments on how this man doesn’t deserve respect because he’s a black rapper making music you don’t agree with.

Let the family grieve and play your gospel music quietly

Looks like you have no more proper arguments to use, and thus falling back to putting words in people their mouth again. Weak.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Looks like you have no more proper arguments to use, and thus falling back to putting words in people their mouth again. Weak.
You’re arguing how people cope and deal with problems. You even progressed to mentioning white rappers who clearly had a much harder life in your own opinion.

At the end of the day we are all people. Nobody is perfect and everyone copes separately. Substance abuse is classified as a mental illness and should be considered as such. The only drugs considered for fun is weed and alcohol. Past that it’s a cry for help hidden behind false confidence.

He is a rapper who touched many peoples lives and helped them struggle. I personally relate to a lot of X, Peep and Juice despite not battling drug issues too much.

I’m sorry if you can’t look beyond the thin white lines society painted for you to see what their music is about. I listen to NF and many rappers without involving their personal life. If the song fits my struggles then it fits.


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
That's what happens when you sell your soul to Satan


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