Problems with BrainCMS


New Member
Nov 11, 2012
So I installed xampp, cms and everything. In localhost it works fine.
But when I try to use my portforwarded IP, it doesn't work.
When I try to access the CMS through my IP, I get a Google error:
Website takes too long to load.

Portforwarding was succesfull, ports 80 and 3306 are opened correctly.
I searched for days without success on how to fix this.

PS: Database is root with no password. PHP is the newest version. And IP has been masked on purpose for here.


die('Sorry but you cannot access this file!');

/* Database Setting */
$db['host'] = 'MASKED'; //Mysql's Host
$db['port'] = '3306'; //Mysql's port
$db['user'] = "root"; //Mysql's user
$db['pass'] = ''; //Mysql's password
$db['db'] = "hotelke"; //Mysql's database

/* Emu Settings */
$config['hotelEmu'] = 'plusemu'; // plusemu // arcturus

/* Client Setting */
$hotel['emuHost'] = "MASKED"; //IP of VPS//IP of Proxy
$hotel['emuPort'] = "30000"; //Port of VPS//Port of Proxy
$hotel['staffCheckClient'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the client (true) or disable it (false)
$hotel['staffCheckClientMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the client
$hotel['homeRoom'] = '11'; //Set the start room when you get in the hotel
$hotel['external_Variables'] = " ";
$hotel['external_Variables_Override'] = " ";
$hotel['external_Texts'] = " ";
$hotel['external_Texts_Override'] = " ";
$hotel['productdata'] = " ";
$hotel['furnidata'] = " ";
$hotel['figuremap'] = " ";
$hotel['figuredata'] = " ";
$hotel['swfFolder'] = " ";
$hotel['swfFolderSwf'] = " ";
$hotel['onlineCounter'] = false; // Enable the user count in the client.
$hotel['diamonds.enabled'] = true; // Enable diamonds in the hotel.

/* Website Setting */
$config['hotelUrl'] = " ";//Address of your hotel. Does not end with a "/"
$config['skin'] = "Nabbo"; //Skin/template of your website
$config['lang'] = "nl"; //Language of your website en/nl/es
$config['hotelName'] = "Beratt"; //Name of your hotel
$config['favicon'] = " ";
$config['staffCheckHk'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the housekeeping (true) or disable it (false)
$config['staffCheckHkMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the housekeeping
$config['maintenance'] = false; //Enable the maintenance of your website (true) or disable it (false)
$config['maintenancekMinimumRankLogin'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to login when the website is in maintenance
$config['groupBadgeURL'] = " ";
$config['badgeURL'] = " ";
$config['userLikeEnable'] = true; // Enable user likes
$config['newsCommandEnable'] = true; //Enable news commands
$config['newsCommandFilter'] = true; //Enable wordfilter on news commands (the filter use the db tabels wordfilter and wordfilter_characters)
$config['alertReferrer'] = false;
$config['alert'] = 'Geen melding'; //Alert message. If you don't want a alert, you fill in 'nomessage' or you do leave it blank.
$config['brainversion'] = '1.8.0'; // Please do not change.

/* Hit of the week Settings */
$config["hvdwStatus"] = true; // True of false for the hit of the week.
$config["hvdwNumber"] = "0xDH2my4syA"; // Youtube code without

/* Facebook Login Settings
You need a Facebook app for this to work go to

$config['facebookLogin'] = false; //Enable the Facebook login (true) or disable it (false)
$config['facebookAPPID'] = '334162590sdaf292528';
$config['facebookAPPSecret'] = 'ce2504ff5adsfa3ff7a6a2fa6d984cd8836';

/* Email Settings */
$email['mailServerHost'] = '';
$email['mailServerPort'] = 587;
$email['SMTPSecure'] = 'TLS';
$email['mailUsername'] = '[email protected]';
$email['mailPassword'] = '*****';
$email['mailLogo'] = '
$email['mailTemplate'] = '/system/app/plugins/PHPmailer/temp/resetpassword.html';

/* Social settings */
$config['facebook'] = '
$config['facebookEnable'] = false;
$config['twitter'] = '
$config['twitterEnable'] = false;

/* Register Setting */
$config['startMotto'] = "Powered to you by Beratt"; //Regsiter start motto
$config['credits'] = "15000";
$config['duckets'] = "2000";
$config['diamonds'] = "10";
$config['diamondsRef'] = "10";
$config['registerEnable'] = true;

/* Google recaptcha Site Key
Go to this website to create a recaptcha Site Key: */
$config['recaptchaSiteKey'] = "6LdzewwUAAAAABkJ3vsdfCDca9qmLGDaWAHqMRtFEs2";
$config['recaptchaSiteKeyEnable'] = false;

/* Buy VIP Settings */
$config['vipCost'] = "25";
$config['vipRankToGet'] = "3";
$config['vipBadge'] = "vip";

case "arcturus":
$emuUse['user_wardrobe'] = 'users_wardrobe ';
$emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_current';
$emuUse['respect'] = 'respects_received';
$emuUse['user_stats'] = 'users_settings';
$emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'user_id';
$emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'online_time';
case "plusemu":
$emuUse['user_wardrobe'] = 'user_wardrobe ';
$emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_last';
$emuUse['respect'] = 'Respect';
$emuUse['user_stats'] = 'user_stats';
$emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'id';
$emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'OnlineTime';


New Member
Nov 11, 2012
Buy a server, they're literally $10-20
It's not about having a money to have a server. It's about problem solving and learning. I started to study PHP. I don't want to bring this hotel online for masses the join. At most a friend or two.

I want to understand why it doesn't work. So I can learn from it. Is it something on my side? Did I do something wrong? Or is it XAMPP or the CMS? But I do know it's not my computer, since I portforwarded 80 and 3306 succesfully. Checked several times.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
If you're certain on setting this up on your home PC and you're purposely doing this to learn new things then you don't need to port forward to run this locally. If you want your friends to play with you then yes, you do need to open some ports so they're able to access the hotel, although this is a massive security flaw if you're running this on your local machine.

Buying a server is a lot easier as you and your friends can play on the hotel, 24/7 and it's less of a security risk as it's being hosted on a virtual machine.

Also I recommend setting up IIS on Windows it's a lot easier IMO and safer than using XAMPP, you should be able to access the hotel on localhost as other would connect through your IP address if you've successfully opened the ports.

Hope this helped.

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