Pheonix 3.7.1 Ubercms help


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
Im having issues with my swf's ive had the hotel running and i have been able to load rooms but no furni, cata or avatars load, i edited the config and now the client crashes after load. I have tried everything, searched everywhere, i have tried swfs from other hotels, and this is my last ditch resort. can someone help me over teamviewer?

I would more than be willing to pay if anyone can resolve my issue
        .  .|---.,---.,---.
        |  ||  ||---'|        UberCMS 2.0
            Coded originally by Meth0d (2010-2011)
            Continued by Jonty (2011-now)
            Build 2.0.0 SS, Public

    require_once "global.php";

    header("Location: " . WWW. "/");

if ($voting['thehabbos_enabled'] == true) {
    if (!isset($_GET["novote"])) {
        header("Location:" . $voting['thehabbos_username'] . "&api=" . WWW . "/client?novote");

if($site['enable_pincodes'] == true && $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'rank') >= $site['pincode_minrank']) {
    if(!isset($_SESSION["staff_PassAuth"])) {
        header ("Location: " . WWW . "/client_denied");

// **************************************************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************************************************

$userTicket = $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'auth_ticket');

if($server['butterfly_sso'] == true) {
    $checkExists = dbquery("SELECT userid FROM user_tickets WHERE userid = '" . USER_ID . "'");
    if(mysql_num_rows($checkExists)) {
        dbquery("UPDATE user_tickets SET sessionticket = '" . $userTicket . "', ipaddress = '" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "' WHERE userid = '" . USER_ID . "'");
    else {
        dbquery("INSERT INTO user_tickets (userid,sessionticket,ipaddress) VALUES ('" . USER_ID . "', '" . $userTicket . "', '" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "')");
else if($server['phoenix_secure_sessions'] == true) {
    dbquery("UPDATE `users` SET `auth_ticket` = '" . $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, "auth_ticket") . "' WHERE id = '" . USER_ID . "'");

$forwardType = 0;
$forwardId = 0;

// Due to an issue with most servers, tags have been disabled in the CMS by default.

if (mysql_num_rows(dbquery("SELECT * FROM user_tags WHERE user_id = '" . USER_ID . "' LIMIT 1"))) {
    dbquery("DELETE FROM user_tags WHERE user_id = '" . USER_ID . "'");

if ($users->getUserVar(USER_ID, 'newbie_status') == "2") {  
    // Run POST-REGISTRATION checks
    dbquery("UPDATE `users` SET
                `motto` = '" . $server['default_motto'] . "',
                `credits` = '" . $server['default_credits'] . "',
                `activity_points` = '" . $server['default_pixels'] . "',
                `look` = '" . $server['default_look'] . "',
                `home_room` = '" . $server['default_room'] . "',
                `rank` = '" . $server['default_rank'] . "',
                `newbie_status` = '3'
                WHERE `id` = '" . USER_ID . "'");

dbquery("UPDATE users SET ip_last = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' WHERE username = '".USER_NAME."'");


$client = new Template('page-client');
$client->SetParam('page_title', ' ');
$client->SetParam('sso_ticket', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'auth_ticket', false));
$client->SetParam('flash_base', '');
$client->SetParam('flash_client_url', '');
$client->SetParam('hotel_status', $core->GetUsersOnline() . ' users online now!');
$client->SetParam('forwardType', $forwardType);
$client->SetParam('forwardId', $forwardId);

$tpl->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', 'web-gallery/styles/habboclient.css', 'stylesheet'));
$tpl->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', 'web-gallery/styles/habboflashclient.css', 'stylesheet'));
$tpl->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', 'web-gallery/static/js/habboflashclient.js'));

if (isset($_GET['forceTicket']) && $users->HasFuse(USER_ID, 'fuse_admin'))
    $client->SetParam('sso_ticket', $_GET['forceTicket']);




        .   .|---.,---.,---.
        |   ||   ||---'|         UberCMS 2.0
            Coded originally by Meth0d (2010-2011)
            Continued by Jonty (2011-now)
            Build 2.0.0 SS, Public
    // UberCMS Configuration for regular system use
    // Part 2/2

    // Reverse Proxy & Cloudflare Settings
    //        - Reverse Proxy (do you have nginx mirroring or forwarding the content from an apache backend?)
    //        - Cloudflare (do you have cloudflare enabled on your domain or subdomain the cms is on?)
    $reverseproxy['enabled'] = true;
    $cloudflare['enabled'] = false;
    // Blocking VPN services
    //        - Block VPNs
    $vpn['block'] = true;
    $vpn['block_message'] = "You can't come on here Mr. VPN";
    // VPN Block list
    //     - Blocked hosts (How this works is you enter part of the hostname eg hotspotshield that you dont want accessing the site, i've included examples)
    $vpn['blocked_hosts'] = array(
    // Basic Site Settings
    //        - Site Name (Your Hotel name)
    //        - Short name (Hotels short name)
    //        - Master ID (The ID of the person who owns the server, there can be only 1.)
    //        - Enable ID Flagging (If someone disputes a VIP purchase or fails a pin code, terminate the account)
    //        - Enable Pincodes (Enable a PIN code on entry to the client for ranks minrank+)
    //        - Pincode (The 4 digit combination key.)
    //        - Pincode minrank (The minimum rank to hit the combination lock upon client entry)
    $site['name'] = "insidioushotel";
    $site['short_name'] = "insidious";
    $site['master_id'] = "1";
    $site['enable_id_flagging'] = false;
    $site['enable_pincodes'] = false;
    $site['pincode'] = '1111';
    $site['pincode_minrank'] = '5';
    $site['contact_email'] = "[email protected]";
    $site['twitter_account'] = "zaphotelnet";
    $site['facebook_account'] = "ZapHotel";
    // Voting settings
    //        - TheHabbos (Do you want to enable TheHabbos voting?)
    //        - TheHabbos username (What is your hotels username on TheHabbos?)
    //        - TheHabbos return url (Where do you want your users to return to? Replace / with !)
    //        - TheHabbos disable index voting (Do you want to disable index voting?)
    $voting['thehabbos_enabled'] = false;
    $voting['thehabbos_username'] = 'Zappy123';
    $voting['thehabbos_returnurl'] = 'http:!!!?novote';
    $voting['disable_index_vote'] = false;

    // Server settings
    //        - Butterfly SSO system enabled (Do you use the Butterfly server by Martinmine?)
    //        - Phoenix SSO system enabled (Do you want to enable Phoenix's secure sessions?)
    //        - Default Motto (What is the default motto you want users to have?)
    //        - Default Credits (What is the default credits you want to have?)
    //        - Default Look (What is the default look you want to have?)
    //        - Default room (What is the room you want users to go to on their first visit)
    //        - Default rank (What is the default rank of new users)
    $server['butterfly_sso'] = false;
    $server['phoenix_secure_sessions'] = false;
    $server['default_motto'] = "I love " . $site['short_name'] . " more than anything!";
    $server['default_credits'] = 15000;
    $server['default_pixels'] = 15000;
    $server['default_look'] = "";
    $server['default_room'] = "8";
    $server['default_rank'] = "3";
    // Client settings
    //        - Server IP (The ip your emulator is listening on)
    //        - Server Port (The port your emulator is listening on)
    //        - Productdata (Where your productdata is located)
    //        - Furnidata (Where your furnidata is located)
    //        - External Texts (Where your external texts are located)
    //        - External Variables (Where your external variables are located)
    //        - SWF Base Directory (The directory your Habbo.swf is in)
    //        - Habbo.swf (The location of Habbo.swf)
    //        - Client Starting (The text you want to display when the client loads.)
    $client['connection_info_host'] = "";
    $client['connection_info_port'] = "30000";
    $client['productdata_load_url'] = "";
    $client['furnidata_load_url'] = "";
    $client['external_texts_txt'] = "";
    $client['external_variables_txt'] = "";
    $client['swf_base_dir'] = "";
    $client['habbo_swf'] = "";
    $client['client_starting'] = "Please wait. insidious is starting.";
    // Website front-end settings
    //        - Footer Links (What you want to display in the links area of the footer.)
    //        - Footer text (What text you want under the links area of the footer. I would appreciate the credits be kept there :D)
    //        - Online users text (What the frontpage says in the speech bubble for users online)
    //        - Online users text (What the rest of the site says for users online)
    $frontend['footer_links'] = "<a href='%www%'>UberCMS</a> | <a href='%www%/refund_policy'>Refund Policy</a> | <a href='%www%/forum'>Forum</a>";
    $frontend['footer_text'] = "Powered by UberCMS 2.0, Owner Morbid";
    $frontend['online_text_fp'] = "players online now!";
    $frontend['online_text_reg'] = "user(s) online";
    // Vemba Ads Settings - I needed this personally so I added it for you. to sign up.
    //        - Enable Vemba ads (Do you want to enable Vemba ads?)
    //        - Vemba ID (User id/site number for
    $vemba['enable'] = false;
    $vemba['id'] = "33";
    // Misc Settings
    //        - Housekeeping Login Footer (The footer you want on HK login page)
    //        - Housekeeping login phrase (The text you want on the HK login page)
    //        - Maintenance text (What you want to show on the orange area on the maintenance page)
    $misc['hk_login_footer'] = "Powered by UberHK. Copyright &copy; 2010-2012 Meth0d & Jonty";
    $misc['hk_login_phrase'] = "Welcome to the UberCMS Housekeeping";
    $misc['maintenance_text'] = "Uber is currently under an expected maintenance break. Please stay calm and keep your hair on, we'll be back soon.";
    $misc['staff_about'] = "The Uber staff are here to enhance your experience on our hotel. They host events, and keep the environment safe. You can recognise a staff member by their badge.";
    // Imaging settings
    //        - Web Gallery location (Where your images are hosted, no ending slash)
    //        - C Images location (Where your c_images are hosted, no ending slash)
    $imaging['web_gallery'] = "";
    $imaging['c_images'] = "";

external vars
Last edited:


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
I can already tell you not to use 3.7 because it glitches with UberCMS and if the user has Mod Tools they will have every command :) I tried with my hotel. Your best bet would be to switch to 3.11 and use UberCMS thats what I did :D Need any help just let me know

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