Iris File Management

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i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Iris File Management (Welcome)
Iris File Management is a community based around file sharing, user safety and general organization. Our goal is to help shift our loose collection of user files into one central website for easy accessibility.

  • File Sharing
    • Uploading Files
    • Modifying File Information
    • Adding file revisions
    • Deleting Files
  • User System
    • Login and Registration
    • User Profiles
      • Ability to view uploads/downloads/reviews
      • Ability to comment/like posts on profile
      • View general user information (name, avatar, join date)
    • Rank System
      • Users will be put into ranks based on their community status. These could include things such as staff permissions, uploads, verification rate or developer experience.
      • Rank tags will be automatically added before usernames to appear as such [ Rank ] User
      • Member ranks above the entry level one will be viewable to everyone via member page
  • Staff System
    • Safety first
      • Our staff will verify all files that are uploaded to ensure safety of our users.
      • Users may report malicious posts/files/users to our staff team which will be viewable in our staff panel for action to be taken.
    • Admin Panel
      • Staff will be able to access various features in a staff-only environment to manage file uploads, reports and so forth.
      • The ability to
        • Take action on users (ban, warning points, etc) will be available
        • Manage file uploads via (verification tags, removing files, editing content, etc)
        • View reports and take action through either of the above features

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i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Why use this over git?
I like the idea of turning the docs into a git website once I finish with them.

(I’m just trying to learn documentation as I never done it before)


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Why use this over git?
Just realized what you meant. This isn’t competing with Git nor is it planned to.

It’s a learning project and the demonstration of it will be aimed towards helping the retro community (Retro Files thread).


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
Looks pretty interesting, are you stopping the development of and in favor of this project?
The git sources to those two projects 404 as well, so idk if you stopped it or just deleted it, but hope to see this finished :up:


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Looks pretty interesting, are you stopping the development of and in favor of this project?
The git sources to those two projects 404 as well, so idk if you stopped it or just deleted it, but hope to see this finished :up:
Twist wasn’t ever a development, it was just a quick node website developed for one of my friends.

Anything retro related has been finished and released. Whether the GitHub was archived or merged into /Habbo-CMS or /Habbo-Administration is another story. Heroic even was finished with its compiled ready to run build!

Summer is being changed over into the framework for Iris, meaning I won’t continue working on summer until I get the base for Iris done (Auth, etc). Reason being is it makes more sense to develop a base for future projects then to individually make new ones for each one.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
That's not what I asked.
“Why would I use this over git”
I don’t know the , sorry man. Personally, this project is just retro files but under Vue 2 instead of Angular.

Coming from the retro scene it’s a very loosely connected scene with four different file sharing sites all with different file names and so on. I figured back then a specific community with a staff team constantly going over files for clarity and managing resources would be easier.

Apologies if this doesn’t suite you. The project isn’t aimed for you or any other developer most likely as they could create their own or just use Github.
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