Recruiting In Need Of Developers (Paid Work)


Truth is treason in the empire of lies
Nov 8, 2013
Hello, the title of the thread says it all. I am currently in need of a team of reliable server/web developers. Developers who are fluent with C# and/or Java for Emulator-side of development and someone who is fluent with PHP & SQL. I've come back into the Habbo Retro scene a few months ago (2 months ago to be exact) and I plan on launching a server that could possibly change the Habbo Retro community.

I know, I know, its a long-shot and many people believe that Habbo is pretty much dead but I believe it's that way due to the English community being filled with toxic players and Habbo itself not doing enough to keep the users/players entertained. Many foreign hotels manage to average well above 500+ daily players and other than Habboon there isn't really any other English-speaking based Habbo Retro averaging over 50+ on their best day. That's understandable seeing how Habboon is ran and managed, and how its operated more like a business rather than just an online game. Long story short, I am making an attempt on bringing back that old feel and vibe Habbo had during its golden years (2009-2014). That feel when users would actually have a reason to be active and would always be entertained.

How do you plan on making this happen?

This isn't a project that is going to be here today and gone tomorrow, cause I do notice that many hotels rather if they're doing good or bad usually shutdown within a few months. The goal of the project is longevity and to be unique. I plan on launching a hotel with everything vanilla, bringing back the modern where it'll be a gambling community, users who adopt kids, build families and apartments/homes, users that work at agencies to make money, stuff along those lines.

  • The hotel will be hosted by a 4GB RAM VPS by OVH
  • Protected by CloudFlare Pro
  • TCP/UDP proxies will be hosted (including HTTP)

During the peak of retro servers, most hotels had an economy that was strictly managed and organized. I remember when Force Hotel had Ultras, Supers, and Norms... giving furniture and rares value. This helped the gambling community, and made gambling interesting. Which lead to users being more active. The economy will be strict and the amount of coins, duckets, diamonds, and/or rare furniture will be limited. That'll just make the community more competitive and active.

An economy that will make users compete to become the richest user in a way.

After hours of brain-storming on what kind of uniqueness I could bring to make this retro differ from others I came up with "Phases". Something similar to the Battle Pass on games like Call of Duty or Fortnite. Phase 1 for example would be the first Phase (season) and will include a variety of custom clothing, furniture, and badges that users can unlock by simply leveling up. Users will be able to level up based on online time and activity. There will be a Phase for "norms" (regular users) and a separate Phase for "vips", each Phase will include a different variety of unlockables. A phase will last a total of 30 days before all levels will then be reset back to 0 for the next Phase (which in this case would be Phase 2).

That's just one of many things I plan on implementing to give this project a unique yet exciting feel.

Well... hopefully I can make this possible and find a team of developers who can help this vision.
Any questions? DM me on DevBest or add me on Discord: Sarbaz#5922

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