Illumina CMS / Zap CMS - Possible xss patch


:: xHosts ::
Sep 12, 2011

This is not much but may help some people, in case you have any staff that will abuse having access to housekeeping. It was possible for staff posting news articles to xss your site. If they included meta / JavaScript redirect code in the title or snippet they could redirect users as soon as they login.

In lightcms.php replace the entire "getMainStories" function with the one below;

Yes this is a small release but may help some people, going to hate then don't bother to post.

public static function getMainStories($amt) {
            global $db, $tpl, $light;
            if($r = $db->query("SELECT id,title,topstory_image,snippet FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $amt . "")) {
                $c = 0;
                while($a = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $disp = 'block';
                    $imgurl = $a['topstory_image'];
                    if($c > 0) { $disp = 'none'; }
                    $_seo = $a['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(strip_tags(' ', '-', $a['title'])));
                    echo '<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(' . $imgurl . '); display: ' . $disp . ';"> 
                            <h4>Latest news</h4> 
                            <h3><a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">' . $light->filter(strip_tags($a['title'])) . '</a></h3> 
                            <p class="summary"> 
                            ' .$light->filter(strip_tags($a['snippet'])) . '
                                <a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">Read more &raquo;</a> 
                echo '<div id="topstories-nav" style="display: none"><a href="#" class="prev">&laquo; Previous</a><span>1</span> / ' . $c . '<a href="#" class="next">Next &raquo;</a></div>';
            else {

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