Recruiting Hiring co-owner for new retro.

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New Member
Jul 8, 2013
Thread moved to Habbo recruitment - Kieren
Hey guys!
So, I've been working on getting my retro up for the past few days and all is going well, I've also been thinking about how I'm going to run it and I've realised I won't be able to do it all on my own.
Therefore I'm looking for a second owner to help assist with running it.

There's a few requirements you'll need to have if you're interested!
Those with red asterisks' are a must.
They are as follow;
  • Have some knowledge of CSS and HTML. *
  • Over 14 years of age. *
  • Able to assist in payments of server if needed. *
  • Have knowledge of PHP and C#.
  • Experienced with the main concept of retros. *
  • Able to deal with threats. *
  • Easy-going.
  • Know how to fix errors.
If you match all of the asterisked requirements, you'll be the first one's I'll be looking into.
If interested, send me a PM, add my skype (EchoVide) or send me an e-mail @ [email protected].


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
So what you really want is:
Some one that can fix your site
Money security if you can't come up with $11 for your hotel
Can actually play habbo
Can deal with skiddies and DoS/DDoSers


Nov 4, 2012
I can do all of the above, ive been trynna find someone with a VPS to make a hotel with. I'm willing to do ALL the tech stuff! I know HTML, CSS, PHP. I want to use WabboCMS, and be R63B! Interested?


New Member
Jul 8, 2013
So what you really want is:
Some one that can fix your site
Money security if you can't come up with $11 for your hotel
Can actually play habbo
Can deal with skiddies and DoS/DDoSers

I can fix my own site.
Pretty much, but that probably won't be an issue.
No, someone who knows their way around the moderation system (should have made myself more clear).
If you mean boot the absolute shit out of someone who threaten to DoS or DDoS the hotel, no. Just someone who's good with people and could possibly talk them out of it.

I can do all of the above, ive been trynna find someone with a VPS to make a hotel with. I'm willing to do ALL the tech stuff! I know HTML, CSS, PHP. I want to use WabboCMS, and be R63B! Interested?

I don't need someone to do all the technical side of things, I can do a lot of it too. But having someone else who knows their stuff is good too. Add my skype, it's in the main post.


Nov 4, 2012
I can fix my own site.
Pretty much, but that probably won't be an issue.
No, someone who knows their way around the moderation system (should have made myself more clear).
If you mean boot the absolute shit out of someone who threaten to DoS or DDoS the hotel, no. Just someone who's good with people and could possibly talk them out of it.

I don't need someone to do all the technical side of things, I can do a lot of it too. But having someone else who knows their stuff is good too. Add my skype, it's in the main post.

I added you on Skype, (LosttBREH)! I'll talk to you on there about this! And I know a lot, it would be great to have 2 owners good with tech!


New Member
Feb 26, 2013
Hello, I'd like to apply / and think I am applicable for this job. I am from Sydney, USA I am 16 years of age.
I have 2 years of Web Development & GFX Arts, I enhance in basically Habbo arts & Technical issues as I know alot of ways around CMS's, and EMU's, I do so from fixing; Errors, Glitches, Bugs, SSL Certs. VPS malfunction(s) etc etc. Basic techincal management situations. Along with GFX, I also occur to mainly Habbo arts I love designing with imagination & time put into it. I come out with the best quality results after-wards.
These are the lists of aspects that I know & can do:
Coding Languages:
- C#
- MySQLi
- Java

Designing aspects:
- Top notch & sleek designs
- Time & effort put into it
- From Habbo Arts to Web Designing

If you need more details about me, PM me as I rarely use Skype.


Posting Freak
Oct 14, 2013
Hi i will like to reply.
My name is Chris, but please callme either Rev or cj.I Am a grahpic artist and a very good quality at doing graphic arts.
I Have very much experience on my retro,vibe,hepix,triton,haubz,friendly, and much more. i work around the clock for hotels.I Code.
Coding Langauges:HTML,CSS,PHP AND A Little of java. i am very helpful. also i live in da usa forgot about dat. but im not like a co-owner. i like admin or somn


Aug 20, 2012
Well, I Have a VPS That Basically Comes out of mums Credit Card (She Knows/Not Bothered) Yes, I'm Able to deal with threats. The only Problem is that I'm 13.. Although my Maturity Level is high. If you could Provide a TCP Proxy I Can Provide the VPS. You can Contact me on Devbest or via Email ( [email protected] ) I'd Prefer Not to use Skype/Give it out Pubicly As There are skids going around Resolving and Booting People.
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