HELP Don't know why :makesay, :roll and :control commands are enabled for ranks!

Feb 23, 2013
I was just curious on if anyone knows how to make it so certain commands aren't enabled for certain ranks within a R63 hotel. For example, even though in the database under permission_ranks the rank 6 has the command :makesay disabled, yet they still have the ability of makesaying users and was wondering if it was possible that there was a issue within the emulator which is causing this. If so, can someone tell me how you would go about setting the permission for this command in the emulator or how to go about editing commands in the emulator so that people of this rank cannot use the command.
I repeat, the command isn't '1' or enabled for users of that rank in the database table 'permissions_ranks'
The emulator we're using is phoenix 3.11.0


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
0 = No 1 = Yes

If it doesn't work get a new emulator your emulator is one of the ones thats fucked up . Get GTE and it will be fixed

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