Introduction Hello


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
i feel like you guys don't give me enough attention so i am going to introduce myself again for the twentieth time. hi my name is chris and i like to code but im kinda good at it kinda not idk better then everyone else who uses rev yes/no okay

i love you all and i feel we will get along good



i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013

And hey man how do you think I feel, my projects are actually somewhat complete and they barely get attention. You're not alone sunny
All of my projects are completed besides the ones I turned into freelance and some are even receiving a steady flow of new updates xD


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Heroic is one out of 39248239482 projects you've started.
I can name them all, show you all the completed GitHub repositories and or branches (most retro related projects were merged into 1 report, seperate branches)

What’s your definition of complete? They all have more features then Rev, Uber, PHPretro and basic admin panels. Seems more then complete to me since the basic retro website involves editing rev cms .

Where’s yours at? Kinda hard for you to tell me what’s considered finished in my end when your end doesn’t even have a single development (or one worthy of at least knowing the name of)

Finished projects with > 2 versions
- xHabbo
- iHabbo
- Cerberus
- Heroic
- Retalition

Singular version release/special request
- Twist (iHabbo CMS edit)
- Angular starter packer (Heroic alpha 1)

- Project imagine (switched to Laravel during this and was therefore not needed anymore)
- My weird movie website (ended up not being a good idea for a browser based thing as it needed server side code which would destroy the server if more then 10 users wanted to stream a torrent :L)
- My dating website (actually considering working on it since I learned a lot more with Vue now but I’m just not as interested in this
- Any random post in coders section with 0 replies and or updates where I asked for deletion. (These we’re not started projects and merely ideas, I’m bad st remembering ideas so I just post them out$


Mar 16, 2012
quality > quantity
nah but real tho i work and go uni like

Also how in the fuck is some shit habbo cms worth releasing.
All your projects that would have been worth actually looking at you've either cancelled or left in progress for eternity with a basic folder layout or some shit.
Ain't wasting my life looking at your habbo shit fam
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i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
quality > quantity
nah but real tho i work and go uni like

Also how in the fuck is some shit habbo cms worth releasing.
All your projects that would have been worth actually looking at you've either cancelled or left in progress for eternity with a basic folder layout or some shit.
Ain't wasting my life looking at your habbo shit fam
Heroic probably the best project in the scene and you go to school wow

I’m in college, army and work 8-12 hours daily and still find time for my fun hobbies.

Real shit idc about what you do because you just a window shopper trying to judge backend as if you can read it using your little school classes as a basic for it. Stfu and quit whining. All my shit good but it’s not “finished” because inbreds like you don’t know what the difference with PHP, Node or web servers.

Not to mention I have a discord dedicated to helping setup retro’s for newbies or giving them help when needed. :)


Mar 16, 2012
The only projects that you have that you have "finished" are fucking habbo. Same project rehashed over and over?
I'm allowed to judge your code because unlike you I did full time web development for almost two years before going to uni for comp sci.
lmao I didn't learn to code in University (university btw not school).

"Heroic probably the best project in the scene" - yeah, right. Even if it was its the HABBO RETRO SCENE.
Full of wannabe coders making fucking revcms theme edits are you kidding me lmfao
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i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
The only projects that you have that you have "finished" are fucking habbo. Same project rehashed over and over?
I'm allowed to judge your code because unlike you I did full time web development for almost two years before going to uni for comp sci.
lmao I didn't learn to code in University (university btw not school).

"Heroic probably the best project in the scene" - yeah, right. Even if it was its the HABBO RETRO SCENE.
Full of wannabe coders making fucking revcms theme edits are you kidding me lmfao
Kinda hard to do full time web development when I’m serving my country atm. PS: I would hope after 2 years you’d make a better framework...especially for PHP...


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
- My weird movie website (ended up not being a good idea for a browser based thing as it needed server side code which would destroy the server if more then 10 users wanted to stream a torrent :L)
Literally just ripped stuff out of the Plex web player and changed small things:

Then said the webtorrent stuff was a small portion of the code, when it's actually the biggest part of it lol. Get over yourself

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