Applicant Habbo GM/TECH


New Member
Aug 18, 2014
Name : Richard
Location : Uk,Cornwall
Age : 17

I'm very good with communicating with players in a professional way, I like to be loyal to hotels and try to stick with one at a time. I have lots of experience in staff position by hosting my own RSPS called Fatalx back in 2008 which was very successful with 250+ players. I can do various types of coding via website such as PHP, html, database errors, and ofcourse java.
I have time for servers that have time and respect for me. I played habbo when i was about 8 or 9 lot's of experience in it, very good at building goodlooking rooms and very nice casino looks.

Skype : glitchhy

It's not very long, if you want to know more about me please get me Via message or skype.

Thank you

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