GrandCF - SynCF


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
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Forgive me for my english, english is not my native language.

Let me start with this
This template is a mix of a lot of styles, from habbo retro's to habbo fansite's from all around the globe. If you see youre work there, thanks and kudos to you.

Why coldfusion?
Everbody has there language's that they like, and coldfusion isn't "dead". Its just not common used for Habbo retros.

The engine

No query's inside the pages itself, just tags. every query, variable, really everything is managed by one file called "The engine". It makes the code a lot cleaner, and easy to maintain. And now when you need to edit multiple things, you just go to one file. Easy like that! The website only calls for the functions that's needed. So it doesnt give extra load

Own imager
Right now its livestreaming the image from the imager, but im busy writing a own script that "Drawes" the habboimage by itself. so i dont need no, or any other website. For people without knowledge of coldfusion, the Nitro imager can be used too.

Award system
I wanted to make the website more part of the game, users mostly log in. open the client, then close the website. (Back in the old days, these days they download an app mostly l0l). I've scripted an award system, that gives the user various assignments to do. There are 20 levels, and each level got 6 assignments. Complete all 6, automaticly move to a higher level.On each completion there will be a badge rewarded. (Prizes can be edited from the HK)

Better security
I always liked an little too much security, for keeping the dumdums out. and the smart ones lol, all pages that are using a for example index.cfm?test variable, can only be accessed when whitelisted. That means when i change the url to index.cfm?tes it will redirect back to ?test. Form's/Query's still work, just whitelist them!

I want to give the users more freedom too, im also busy with a marketplace, that gives the user the chance to trade they're hard earned badge's, furniture, even exchange diamonds for credits or VIP tokens.

Currently im learning more and more javascript, im gonna try to combine some coldfusion & javascript to create a website casino, that can be played with Credits / Diamonds. It gives the user a better expierence, and the website has more things to offer besides just the game. There will be some minigames like memory included too! Get the memory done before the timer runs out, and bam you win.

Radio panel
There will be a radio panel included too, You upload the playlist. the website runs it, and shows what's playing for the user!

Below the engine im gonna create a module system, that means you can just add pages. Add the "Query's" on the bottom of the engine. and it'll work, and automaticly integrate good with the CMS. That makes is easier for update's, and for when i decide to add new things. There will be a page in the housekeeping to update the CMS automaticly too. Makes it more easy! (Linked with my server)

Easy setup
I will include a Setup.cfm page, and a pack that has a webserver with it. (Free one), that runs CFML and is stable. This way the CMS is very easy to set up.

And im sure i have much more, but that's all i can think about right now. If you have any suggestion's ideas, feel free!

Live demo:
Soon i will publish a live demo, with an demo account. No housekeeping though. Ideas / Suggestions / Critisism are always welcome! (Up-building critisism!)

Screenies [UPDATED 3/3/2022] [Live demo soon]

<cfif pagename is 'grand_store'>
<cfif cgi.query_string EQ 'badgeshop' OR cgi.query_string EQ 'furnishop'> <!--- Do nothing ---><cflelse><cfset StructClear("session")><cflocation url="/index.cfm" addToken="no">
<cfif cgi.query_string EQ 'badgeshop'>
<cfquery name = "badgeShop" datasource = "#DSN#">
FROM cms_shop_badges

<cfif cgi.query_string EQ 'furnishop'>
<cfquery name = "furniShop" datasource = "#DSN#">
FROM cms_shop_furni
<cfif NOT IsDefined('form.pin1') OR NOT IsDefined('form.pin2') OR NOT IsDefined('form.pin3')>
<cflocation url="/me.cfm" addToken="no">
<cfset pin1_hash = hash(form.pin1, "SHA-512")>
<cfset pin2_hash = hash(form.pin2, "SHA-512")>
<cfset pin3_hash = hash(form.pin3, "SHA-512")>
<cfquery name = "getAuth" datasource = "#DSN#">
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New Member
Aug 2, 2020
Looks good man, though the design looks very similar to zabbo’s.
Yes, i used zabbo for my base template. Well, i only kept there footer though. The header is from some turkish hotel, the menu is from a Dutch hotel. Good eye catch though!
I'm seeing like 2 or 3 layouts in one but alright, goodluck :)
I think there are atleast 14 website's right now that i ripped from, l0l

@Liam Please re-open my thread, im planning on to develop furthur.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
Thread re-opened upon request. Good luck with development.


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
nice is the housekeeping and all coming with it?
Yeah, here are some new screens:
- Marketplace Values interface
- Sell badges interface (Only badge's that are in the Values page are sellable)
- Sell badges
- Ads
- Ad itself
- Staff login
- HK Logged in
- Create article
- Edit user (For now)
- Editting website/client/rgister variables (The template = Free!)
- If you sended the user an alert, just an alert or response from ticket
- Website friend requests

Header moves from left right, and the logo /friend request box got an .bounce animation

housekeeping is still extending in features :p

Soon i'll set up an client, then i'll add furniture to the marketplace as well. It's already designed to get things from different table's, so that's no problem. We're trying to find a way to sell these badges inside the catalogue aswell:p
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New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Yeah, here are some new screens:
- Marketplace Values interface
- Sell badges interface (Only badge's that are in the Values page are sellable)
- Sell badges
- Ads
- Ad itself
- Staff login
- HK Logged in
- Create article
- Edit user (For now)
- Editting website/client/rgister variables (The template = Free!)
- If you sended the user an alert, just an alert or response from ticket
- Website friend requests

Header moves from left right, and the logo /friend request box got an .bounce animation

housekeeping is still extending in features :p

Soon i'll set up an client, then i'll add furniture to the marketplace as well. It's already designed to get things from different table's, so that's no problem. We're trying to find a way to sell these badges inside the catalogue aswell:p
Nice cant wait until this is released 😂


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
Well, i finished the Award-System. It works good, you can't cheat, all the extra's are given within completion. It only checks on the me page, to reduce load. gonna make a variable to let it load on all pages, but its better to have it turned off

Today or tomorrow im gonna go continue the houseeking, i think i only need to make the casino for the front-end and then im done for people wondering, the CFML engine is Lucee.


New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Well, i finished the Award-System. It works good, you can't cheat, all the extra's are given within completion. It only checks on the me page, to reduce load. gonna make a variable to let it load on all pages, but its better to have it turned off

Today or tomorrow im gonna go continue the houseeking, i think i only need to make the casino for the front-end and then im done for people wondering, the CFML engine is Lucee.
U have a discord for this ?


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
U have a discord for this ?
My discord is dev#8282

<!--- 2FA Page --->
<cfif pagename is 'grand_2fa'>
<cfset Mainbox.2fa_header = '#shortname# :: 2FA Lock'>
<cfset Mainbox.2fa_label1 = '2FA Password'>
<cfset Mainbox.2fa_button = 'Unlock'>

<cfset Mainbox.2fa_header_1 = '2FA Authentication is enabled'>
<cfset Mainbox.2fa_header_2 = 'Please put in youre security pin'>

<!--- Me page --->
<cfif pagename is 'grand_me'>

<cfset Mainbox.levelup_title = '#shortname# Award-System :: Level up!'>
<cfset Mainbox.levelup_desc = 'Youve leveled up!'>
<cfset Mainbox.levelup_content = 'You have leved up, and completed a level. Therefore, we reward you an super-rare award-level badge!'>
<cfset Mainbox.levelup_Content2 = 'The badge has been added to youre account'>
<cfset Mainbox.levelup_button = 'Close message'>

<cfset Mainbox.usercard_credits = 'Credits'>
<cfset Mainbox.usercard_diamonds = 'Diamonds'>
<cfset Mainbox.usercard_duckets = 'Duckets'>
<cfset Mainbox.usercard_alvl = 'Award-Level'>
<cfset Mainbox.usercard_lastlogin = 'Last login'>
<cfset Mainbox.usercard_button = 'Play #fullname#'>

Snippet of the new language system im implenting right now
Game will be working with Flash / Nitro btw.

Live demo:
Post automatically merged:

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