Cutting yourself...good or bad oo


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Meh I go into my backstory
I used to laugh when people talked about cutting theirselves, and generally just think it was stupid all together. But in the past year I myself have taken up cutting. Tbh it does help in ways that you really couldn't consider. But I don't really cut myself a lot, only more towards when Mariah and I are having issues, or meh. But when I cut myself I usually cut her initials or her entire name whatever I feel like tbh and it calms me down and just can't really explain it but helps me .
So..what is your experience with cutting, or people who cut themselves, and how do you feel about it (good or bad)?
Oh I feel like it's good and helpful if you control how much you do it and try to keep sanitary when doing It. As in don't use other peoples blades etc


Aug 31, 2013
I had a friend that used to cut herself all the time before, in fact, she was one of my best friends. One day, she went a bit too far and 'accidentally' committed suicide. It was terrible.

So think about that next time you're cutting yourself...


The first member of the Knights of the Pink Table
Jan 15, 2013
I had a friend that used to cut herself all the time before, in fact, she was one of my best friends. One day, she went a bit too far and 'accidentally' committed suicide. It was terrible.

So think about that next time you're cutting yourself...
lol wtf


i am the danger
Oct 5, 2013
I personally find it weird and unnecessary however I've never done it so I don't know how it could benefit people. If you're still doing it I'd encourage you to stop and try talk to somebody about it.


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
Agreed with above, slightly. Although I feel that people self-harm for a reason. However, now it just seems to be a great way of seeking attention. Fair enough if you've had something seriously bad happen to you but either way, no need to tell people that you're doing it. Only person you should be saying it to are psychiatrists.


Mad kung-fu artist
Feb 11, 2013
I just hate, hate, hate, hate the fact that self-harm exist. It's fucking stupid. Pure and simple. Get help, buddy, because I don't think people around you like the fact that you do this shit.


Many men wish death upon me.
Jun 16, 2011
I really think you should seek help. Self harm is never good. Think about Mariah, would she harm herself for you? If the answer is no, you shouldn't be doing anything to hurt yourself.


Mad kung-fu artist
Feb 11, 2013
When you cut yourself you feel a rush, guess some people are addicted to it, also lack of attention from parents/friends and such.
To me, that doesn't make alot of sense but yeah sure.. I can believe what you are saying. If one does not get attention from parents and friends, they are shit all together. I really hope there is a special place in hell for people who make others commit to self-harm.


Jul 25, 2010
If you want to cut yourself, make sure you slit your wrists from top to bottom, not side to side. ;)

You say it like you're experienced.

If you wanna release some steam, there are plenty of other ways to do so instead of cutting your self.

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