Better alternative of XAMPP?


New Member
May 1, 2022
For learning and offline purposes? xampp is the way to go in my opinion, but it really doesn't matter what you use unless it's something like setting up a Linux server on a virtual machine - that's just too much unless you want to learn new things with Linux or set up a new system on your server that you should test locally first.

For habbo purposes, I generally recommend linux. Not simple, but cheap and powerful. Considering the ddos attacks that can pop up in this scene, there are the right tools to deal with them.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
For learning and offline purposes? xampp is the way to go in my opinion, but it really doesn't matter what you use unless it's something like setting up a Linux server on a virtual machine - that's just too much unless you want to learn new things with Linux or set up a new system on your server that you should test locally first.

For habbo purposes, I generally recommend linux. Not simple, but cheap and powerful. Considering the ddos attacks that can pop up in this scene, there are the right tools to deal with them.
To your first point, what exactly are you learning by using a tool you could never safely use in production? It's easier but doesn't teach you anything, it abstracts the complexity away if anything making you learn far less


Jan 1, 2012
If you're looking for development / localhost environment setup, I'd recommend you to use Laragon instead of XAMPP as it has more extensive features compared to XAMPP.

However if you're looking for live/production environment setup, you can use Apache/NGINX/Litespeed for Linux based system, and IIS for Windows based system.

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