
  1. U

    PlusEmu dubugging problem

    Hi there, I would like to add the massgive Command to my PlusEmu. But something gone wrong - I debug the file i'd edited and then i start the Emu at the normal folder. But nothing has changed .... Can someone tell me what i've done wrong ? :) PS: When I debugging it shows a message: Failed to...
  2. O

    Problem of players entering random accounts

    Sometimes (rarely) when a person enters into your account, it ends up entering into the account of another random personDoes anyone have this problem and do you know how to solve it? My emulator is the Plus
  3. K

    [HELP!] R63 Retro client size problem

    Hello. I made my own r63 retro and i got error with the client. Its size is really bad and unplayable. Please help. Check the picture Im using Phoenix 3.7.1, xampp
  4. Y

    Problem with access to my website

    Hey I decided to go through the process of moving my retro to a vps i set up myself and is the first time i have attempted to do so but have ran into a problem The whole thing works localhost and of course on any PC in my house. But the problem lies no one else can access my website They keep...
  5. Y

    Need help with a few problems

    Hey, This is my first attempt at a retro and i am fairly new so need help with some problems i have ran into. I got a problems i need help with and wondered if anyone knew the solution? This is to do with RevCMS. i have got a guestbook on profile pages on my website and have added it to navi...
  6. Jinks

    [SOLVED] Retro setup on VPS help

    Delete Please.
  7. Kangarow

    Client stucks at end of loading (RevCMS, GTE Emu)

    Hey, im making a habbo retro to VPS and id like to open it today but i have a problem and i really need help to solve it. Im sure its about client.php file but idk whats wrong on client.php. Im tryed to change a skin a lot of times and client.php too to solve this problem but still same problem...