
  1. Kasja

    Custom Garden Furnis

    Heya Devbest! Recently I have been working on a new custom furniline, and I can now (finally) share it with the community! The furniline is garden/outdoor themed, and that's why I have chosen to name it ''garden furnis''🌱 The release contains 51 SWF's and their icons. Download it here I...
  2. blk_Kyat

    [.Nitro] Yu-Gi-Oh Paintings - Blk_Kyat's Custom Furni

    Hello fellow bobbas! Playing around with Pixelart, deviantart and Photoshop...I hope you all enjoy! These are coded for Arcturus MS and Nitro downloads available below! Download links: ------------- Google drive ------------- Arcturus-MS SQL, Furnidata and Icons included in the download!
  3. blk_Kyat

    [.Nitro+SWF] Hello Kitty Throne - Blk_Kyat's Custom Furni

    Hello fellow bobbas! Everyone: "Another throne custom.. ugh" Habbo came out with some new Hello Kitty Furni and I wanted to whip up something random! Download links: ------------- Google drive ------------- .NITRO + SWF INCLUDED
  4. K

    Recruiting [WANTED] Pixel artist to create a game

    [For a quick read, look for bold text] /!\ THIS IS NOT A HABBO RECRUITMENT. HABBO’S REFERENCES ARE JUST TO HELP THE BRAIN TO IMAGING SOME BASES Greetings, Thew days ago, I started to create in Unity, a game based on some functions of Habbo. It will be a 2.5D game. Meaning, 2D sprites in 3D...
  5. N

    PixelCosmic Retro - Asia Pacific Server

    We are a brand new server, started on the 09th May 2022. Our server mainly targets at Asia Pacific region. The server was started because I and my friends wanted to build some stuff without paying more money, thus we decided to set up our own retro to scratch our itch for builds. However, we...
  6. N

    Any browser to run flash?

    Hi I wanted to know if there are any kind of browser or something to download in order to use flash, or is there like a way for me to create a downloadable software like Habbo and Habboon's way in order to play classic Habbo? Thank you
  7. Dumbledore

    Recruiting Recruiting experienced active Developer for a retro (Paid)

    Hello, We're looking to recruit a talented Developer to work with us on our hotel. The hotel has been opened around a month and is on the first page of FindRetros and slowly reaching higher. We're doing well we just need a dedicated Developer to support when errors occur because we're not...
  8. Dumbledore

    Hebbo Hotel ~ 2022 Retro ~ Mining/Fishing/Economy/Events/Casinos & More

    https://hebbo.xyz https://discord.gg/rgeS89dy On 01/05/2022 Hebbo Hotel launched and held its grand opening! Hebbo is striving to bring back the old school community, we're not aiming for huge success we enjoy the laughs and the banter we used to have on hotels back in the day, that's what...
  9. Rehidden

    In need of a developer

    Hello, we have just opened a hotel and we are in need of a developer to help and get things working and redo some of our webskin. Payment can be discussed on discord thank you. Discord name - xSam#2264
  10. Matiaser

    FurnitureData.JSON text and SQL generator?

    Hello forum Are there any programs or ways to generate text that fit nitro v2 furniuredata format ether from .SWF or from .Nitro files? Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks
  11. Kodex

    Help with custom UIs

    I need to know how I can add UIs to my hotel? What I mean by that is when I press a button on the interface or when I double click a custom furni, A SCreenN appears or anything like that? If there is any way I can do this, please help me. If it's about HabboUI Editor, or a flash decompiler...
  12. stux

    StuxCraft - Unlimited Creative Hotel

    Meow there! After many many years I am back in the game of Habbo retro servers! Man, a lot has changed since and much for the better. Personally I was not a fan of flash/shockwave since it requires extra steps before a users could start playing, plus it's just old old tech.. After some...
  13. J

    SWF Error 403 (Clothing Error)

    Clothing not loading because i get error 403 on gordon folder. Before this error, clothing worked without problems. Sorry for my english, im spanish. Any solution?
  14. Martinrex

    [HTML5] Hobo Hotel ~ Retro 2022

    Thanks to @Kasja for the banner <3 https://hobohotel.net/ https://hobo.rocks/ https://discord.hobohotel.net/ Jump to Latest Update(s) HTML5, powered by Nitro. Based on Morningstar Arcturus. Customs' & Extensive Plugins. Three servers connected by Cosmic. Established in early July of...
  15. hajen1234

    Habbo retro setup request help.

    Hi. i havent been around since 2012-2013 and i wonder if there someone who wants to make money by helping me setup a habbo retro? I will pay you with paypal. I will buy VPS, and other stuff that is needed. We can discuss the price in discord or something.
  16. Kasja

    [Release] Custom Valentines clothing- and furniline

    Dear Devbest 💗 I've been working on some clothing and furniture for Valentine on and off for a while, but now I can finally say that I finished the line and that's why I'm releasing it today! The release contains: 4 SWF's (Clothing) + Figuremap and Figuredata 4 SWF's (catalog clothing) 14...
  17. Mttgr

    Error compiling comet emulator [INTELLIJ]

    I'm trying to compile Comet in Intellij, but it only returns this error and doesn't solve it at all. How can I solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_311\bin\java.exe" -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=C:\Users\mateu_000\Desktop\Comet2022...
  18. H

    Looking for a dev

    Me and a couple of my friends are looking for a developer to create a retro hotel. We have no "technical" knowledge, for this reason we are looking for someone who would like to do this, given the fact that the hotel will not be in English, we will discuss the details personally. The...
  19. G

    Looking for a developer for a game of thrones retro habbo (RP)

    me and my friend are looking for a developer to create an habbo retroserver inspired to one of the most important shows in the world: game of thrones We don't have "technical" knowledge, for this reason we are looking for someone who would like to do that, considering the fact that it's a new...
  20. h3roix

    [Tutorial] FindRetros Api for Noobs

    Since I added FindRetros Api to our Client, some players had an issue with the redirecting loops. Like: "I already voted, but it's redirecting me again to vote page" Somewhere In Devbest, someone already posted the codes for the redirecting vote page but was not 100% correct because of the ip...