Search results

  1. Jian

    Tango, a forum API suited for existing project deployments. (GraphQL, Sequelize)

    Tango is a forum API suited for existing project deployments. The project uses Passport for authentication and GraphQL for handling API requests. There are no UI elements, only the GraphQL API which will handle requests from your frontend! Progress it is currently in active development, but it...
  2. Jian - An anime group watch project.

    Hey, I'm back with a new project to show you guys. I've recently had an interest in AWS services (specifically S3) and the HLS Standard, so I decided to start on a project which used those two services. A real-time live stream of random anime episodes. As my country is starting to implement a...
  3. Jian

    Show DevBest ChoirJS, an event-driven web framework created for laughs.

    Earlier this afternoon, I thought of a funny way for a web framework to deliver content. Why? Because why not! I can have some fun once in a while, can't I? Introducing, ChoirJS. An event-driven web framework created for laughs. The source code can be found on Github and you can make use of it...
  4. Jian

    Show DevBest ~ The Google Trends Party Game

    Well, I have been away for quite a while. But what was I working on, you ask? I have been working on this browser-based party game which utilizes interest statistics from Google Trends! It is currently in alpha, so bugs are inevitable. If you do find one, let me know. I am also accepting...
  5. Jian

    Show DevBest ribbon 2018.4.13

    release 2018.4.13 A personal content management system project that uses Express and MongoDB. For the first time in 2 months of development (much of it in secret), the first stable release is now available! Introducing ribbon 2018.4.13. Updates will still be ongoing as I will be using it for...
  6. Jian

    ribbon - A platform to share your stories.

    Every semester break, I will try to learn something new, this time, I am trying to learn either Vue, React as well as MongoDB. But it turns out that life isn't as smooth as what I had thought so I scrapped the former and went along with Angular 1 instead. ribbon is an ongoing content management...
  7. Jian

    Anime Binge Watching Group Watch

    In order to educate you whities about glorious Anime, I have decided to host some group watches for everyone via streaming. Current, I have these on the watch list: Attack on Titan Seasons 1 & 2 The Fruit of Grisaia Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Kimi no Na Wa (Your Name) A Silent Voice (Koe no...
  8. Jian

    Show DevBest - Share your weeb thoughts.

    As my first AngularJS project, I've decided to do something weeb. I have made a Twitter-esque website for Anime lovers to share their thoughts on an Anime they are watching on a per-episode basis. Though it is still work-in-progress, the basic features are completed. The project uses Laravel...
  9. Jian

    Eloquent - Retrieving latest entry from recursive relationship

    I am not sure if the title is phrased correctly, but I will try to explain it here. For context, here is the database structure that I am using. -forums- -id -name -description -user_id -type (1 = category, 2 = forum, 3 = thread, 4 = post) -parent A forum can have a multiple sub-forums (even...
  10. Jian

    markupgrid, a responsive "grid" layout using CSS3's `calc()` function.

    markupgrid is a responsive CSS boilerplate using CSS3's `calc()` function. It is a grid system that can easily be incorporated into existing layouts. For example, the code below showcases a way to use markupgrid. <div class="grid"> <div class="g1">.g1</div> <div class="g2">.g2</div> <div...
  11. Jian

    What'd you guys get for Christmas?

    I got nothin'. Maybe a sub from Canadian? Idk.
  12. Jian

    covit, a portfolio project by Codetana.

    What is covit? Covit is a one-page portfolio creator project made under the name of Codetana. It came from an idea of a friend. Features Editor to customize your portfolio Personal sub-domain for your portfolio. I am planning to add more features in the future. Including other themes and...
  13. Jian

    CSRF Tokens doesn't match after switching to Database Session [laravel]

    After changing the value of "SESSION_DRIVER" to "database" in the environment file and running the migration below, the CSRF token stops being correct everywhere. Session Migration: Schema::create('sessions', function ($table) { $table->string('id')->unique()...
  14. Jian

    Upgrade laptop or get a new 1080p monitor?

    Should I get a new Intel Core i3-4370 (Quad-core) for my laptop (with Intel Core i5-2410 Quad-core) or should I get a 1080p monitor for my desktop (Which I just built). Please vote, thanks!
  15. Jian

    Naming Conventions

    Giving you guys 2 options, which do you prefer? I've been receiving a lot of complaints throughout the year about the name change, and thus, I have opened up a vote for the name with the most vote will receive an iron heart and a steel sword (just kidding, Iko will be renamed or stay the same).
  16. Jian

    ribbon - The ridiculously quiet blog with backend API

    A simple blog, for simple websites. What is this? Well, blogdown is a blogging software that is unique in it's ways, it is a strictly blog-only (No additional features like pages), meaning that this can be easily implemented on any existing websites. MarkDown implementations? Instead of using...
  17. Jian

    Team Recruitment for Codetana

    Codetana is an open source organisation that I have assembled, and is currently wanting to add people on our "no-kill" list of developers to work on open source projects with us. Currently, there are 4 members. 4 on Iko Bulletin Board and 1 on IkarusDB. Codetana GitHub...
  18. Jian

    IkarusDB - Flatfile JSON Database Engine

    Store information in flat file databases in JSON format. This not not suited for production environment yet and it is still in development. Public contributions are appreciated. This is a research and development project. GitHub: Website...
  19. Jian

    League of Legends New summoners' Rift

    This video is just a sneak peak of the new Summoners' Rift. They said it's still work-in-progress, so I guess it won't arrive anytime soon. What do you guys think about it? R.I.P Wight Camp.
  20. Jian

    Submitting forms dynamically with jQuery

    In this guide, I will teach you how to submit forms using Ajax, with a simple jQuery plugin that I have coded today. Dependencies dynForm ( jQuery ( Guide Creating the form. <form action="" method="POST" class="ajax_form"> <input...