Search results

  1. AnonTurnt

    League of Legends Lets help you get into Gold!

    Duo que means I wouldn't even log into them. If I'm going to get hate for trying to help this thread can be closed lol
  2. AnonTurnt

    League of Legends Lets help you get into Gold!

    No, I have a 5's team in gold playing diamonds as well as friends irl, simply doing a good deed to the Devbest Community. :)
  3. AnonTurnt

    League of Legends Lets help you get into Gold!

    I mean that I'll duo que and carry 90% of the time :) for free
  4. AnonTurnt

    Searching for a Co-Owner

    Hello, I'm here searching for a co-owner. Basically, I have money and have ran a retro before (Habtel) 50+ users online daily and wanted to start one again. I am looking for someone who will be dedicated, has ran hotels before, and knows how to put one together. (CMS Editing, Setting up EMU...
  5. AnonTurnt

    Reputation points?

  6. AnonTurnt

    Recruiting Looking for Professional Staff

    Starting up a new Habbo Retro in the next weeks to come. I am investing quite a bit of money into this and plan on growing this as big as possible. It will take a few months maybe a year to fully evolve into what we want it to be. I am looking for Coders/Professional Moderators. Please state...
  7. AnonTurnt

    Is Creating a Retro Worth It?

    Hey fellas and ladies, I was wondering if starting a retro would be worth it nowadays? What are the players like? Would it be hard to swing a profit? and how much have CMS's evolved within the last year? Thanks for your time.
  8. AnonTurnt

    League of Legends Lets help you get into Gold!

    Hey, I'm an experienced player on League, and will be giving free wins away whenever I'm online on a Smurf account. I just think that some people deserve to get out of Bronze and get somewhere in the game. If I play with you and you do not deserve the be out of your current level based on your...
  9. AnonTurnt

    post your speed test

    mine is hella embarassing
  10. AnonTurnt

    HabshineCMS (WalkCMS Edit/Fixes/Translation).

    Was a little confused when you said it was all English and I click the pictures and it isn't but, downloaded and like it a lot, thank you, cheers.
  11. AnonTurnt

    Show DevBest docunent - Simple Image Sharing

    Still loving this.
  12. AnonTurnt

    Flash Habtel.ORG - Hiring - 15+ online - Join now

    Mod applications are now open again!
  13. AnonTurnt

    Flash Habtel.ORG - Hiring - 15+ online - Join now

    No, just be sure to talk to Ocean or Seduce or Joe ingame
  14. AnonTurnt

    Flash Habtel.ORG - Hiring - 15+ online - Join now

    We have had 20+ steady online for the past 5 hours!
  15. AnonTurnt

    Flash Habtel.ORG - Hiring - 15+ online - Join now

    Welcome to Habtel and enjoy your stay, we love everyone here.
  16. AnonTurnt

    Flash Habtel.ORG - Hiring - 15+ online - Join now

    Many new things have been added to Habtel! Badge Shop added, VIP page added, Rare Values page added. Looking good! Join today if you guys want a good retro to play!
  17. AnonTurnt

    Flash Habtel.ORG - Hiring - 15+ online - Join now

    As a joint owner in Habtel I'd like to say we're trying to be as professional as possible, and love feedback.
  18. AnonTurnt

    Butterfly SQL's

    It was given to me by Johno, not many people would have it.
  19. AnonTurnt

    Butterfly SQL's

    It's butterfly V2