Search results

  1. NSA

    Javascript - Flow side to side.

    Hi all! I'm trying to get a div to move from the left hand side of the screen to the right, back to the left and repeat. Now, this would be easy to do using jQuery's animate function, however... I want to be able to clone the current moving element, have it stop in its current position and the...
  2. NSA

    Stream Torrents

    Found an awesome site that streams Torrent / Magnet links. Grab the magnet / Torrent URL of the movie and paste it... automatically plays.
  3. NSA

    New to GitHub

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to Git and... for some reason, it doesn't seem to be committing files that have "class.*.php" in them. Nor is it committing image files. Is there a reason for this? Wat?
  4. NSA

    [RevCMS] Facebook Login [RevCMS]

    Hey, DevBest! Today I'm releasing a Facebook Login script for RevCMS! It allows users to register to your hotel with a single click of a button! Now, this script only allows the logging in and registering of a user. Upon registering, they'll be assigned a random username and a password which you...
  5. NSA

    PXE Booting

    Hey DevBest, I work for a small company in my home town that fixes computers and such. We recently got asked to upgrade a small local schools computers from Windows XP to Windows 7. Now, we looked at it a couple of ways and I proposed we use PXE boot to install the new Operating systems on all...
  6. NSA

    PHP Script as Image

    Hi, I need a way to include a PHP script as an image. Does anybody know how I would go about doing so? Would I write my script then output image/png headers? Thanks, Undefined.
  7. NSA

    [PHP] Remove PHP... From PHP

    Okay, so this seems like a stupid question first, but don't get off-tracked. I'm creating a system that allows users to create... plugins of a sort. However, I'd like to let them use HTML etc... but not PHP. Is there anyway I can remove PHP from an included file? I'm using output buffering at...
  8. NSA

    [PHP] Blank Response On POST

    Hello, So I'm trying to POST some data to page B via page A. The problem is, when I GET page B, it works fine... however, when POSTing to page B via page A, I get a blank response (sometimes NO DATA RECEIVED). Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.
  9. NSA

    PHP giving unclear error

    Hey there. I'm creating a script which scans the page of a given URL (like a web crawler). Now, for some reason, I'm getting the error: Class 'simple_html_dom' not found in /class/class.shorten.php on line 50. Now, line 50 is as follows: "{". Yep. That's literally all that's on line 50. I've...
  10. NSA

    Plus MUS multiple parameters

    Hey guys, I seem to be having some trouble with Plus Emulator using MUS. When I send a command that uses one parameter, it works fine, however using something that takes two parameters doesn't After looking through the code it seems that the second parameter isn't being passed to the emu. I've...
  11. NSA

    PC [Help] Steam not showing me as in-game [Help]

    Hell DevBest. I seem to have a problem with Steam. I've added Spotify as a game in Steam (for testing purposes). Now, when I launch Spotify, it doesn't show me as in-game. However, when I start Spotify FROM Steam, it shows I'm in-game for about 2 seconds before returning me as not in-game...
  12. NSA

    [PHP][HELP]Not sure what's wrong with this.[HELP][PHP]

    Hello, Devbest. I'm working on a little script, but I seem to have ran into a little problem. First, let me paste my code. $reqs = $this->get_reqs; if(isset($_GET)) { $get = $_GET; $num = count($reqs); $i = 0...
  13. NSA

    Video Exorcism from "This is the end".

    If found this scene fucking hilarious. The whole movie is great, but this part really got to me.
  14. NSA

    Good PC(s)?

    So my birthday is coming up in October and I'm trying to find a good computer to buy. I'm hoping to spend like £500 but I'm pretty sure I won't get anything good for that (maybe). I've been looking around, but I'm not sure what to get, because I'll probably end up buying something crap. I'm...
  15. NSA

    [PHP Help] File Sections

    Hey DevBest. So I currently have a function that get's the contents of a file and saves it as a variable. What I'm trying to do, is... let's say the contents of the file was: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> [Content Inbetween] </head> <body> [Content Inbetween] </body> </html> I want to split...
  16. NSA

    [PHP] Array Help [PHP]

    Hola. So first of all, I'll show you the problem then explain. Now, you can see I'm printing out two arrays. However, they're the exact same arrays. For some reason, the second array doesn't match the first array. Now, you could say that it's not really a problem, because it's working in...
  17. NSA

    [PHP]Check all POST's or GET's.[PHP]

    Hello. So, I'm going to start a new project and wanted to take some other techniques into hand when creating it. Now, my project includes a lot of different POST and GET requests. I was thinking, there must be a better way to check if they're set other than using:-...
  18. NSA

    Video A Futuristic Short Film

    Pretty creepy the way they smile so much. What do you guys think of this? Seems like a bit too much, to be honest.
  19. NSA

    [Release]Habbo Banner Watermarker

    Hello, Devbest! A couple of people have been asking me to watermark their images with the online user count of their hotel. I told them I cannot do it without MySQL access, but they wouldn't listen. So... for the people who have trust issues with their databases, I made something that does it...
  20. NSA

    [Req] Blank Player Card

    Hello, I'm going to make a player card add-on for my Phoenix API which let's users embed their data onto any website in the form of an image. For this, I need a blank version of what I'm going to be making. Let me give you an example. However, as you can see, I have the design skills...