Recent content by Xyro

  1. Xyro

    Do you believe in life after death?

    Yeah, I believe in life after death. Everyone has their doubts at times but yeah, if I'm living just not to go somewhere after, then ...
  2. Xyro

    [CRITICISM] First Desktop Backgrounds

    Background 1, nice work though, wanna create a background for me? ;;)
  3. Xyro

    what was your username on fresh?

    what was your username on fresh?
  4. Xyro release soon!

    Looking nice man, good luck in the future and hope to see your expand to uploading videos and more files
  5. Xyro

    Client rejecting my connection?

    Does your connection come up under the emu? E.G IP [] Connecting to server or whatever
  6. Xyro

    Cranavvo Badgeshop Error

    Add this to the top of your code: error_reporting(0);
  7. Xyro

    Cranavvo Badgeshop Error

    Can you post the page please
  8. Xyro

    Ubercms by zMagenta

    Should be somewhere in systemconfig, cant remember off head
  9. Xyro

    Client Error

    ye just do what find said xD
  10. Xyro

    Ubercms by zMagenta

    Go to your client.php page, and make sure your ports match the ones you use for your emulator. Also make sure they match in the database
  11. Xyro

    Client Error

    Do you have api.php in your wwwroot files?
  12. Xyro

    Ubercms by zMagenta

    Do you get a message on the Phoenix EMU console saying 'Exceptions have been saved' or anything?
  13. Xyro

    Client Help

    Do you get any messages on the EMU, like 'The exceptions have been saved' or anything. If you do, post your exceptions.err file here, which you can find in your phoenix emu file.
  14. Xyro

    Phoenix Emu 3.11 Exception

    Try dropping the users table who can't get on and get them to create a new user? You can be able to refund their items and everything.