Recent content by Raymund

  1. Raymund

    [NodeJS, PostgreSQL] Habbo Emulator

    I think it's worth changing now that you don't have much done yet (from what I've seen on your Github). ES6 is pretty sweet.
  2. Raymund

    [HELP] Client loads 80-90-100% and then 404 error.

    Well I'm using some SWFs that are compatible with Habbolatino emulator, which is the Emulator I'm using (an edit). All my swfs are in /swfs/ (external_texts.txt, variables etc..) so I don't think there should be a problem with the link to my SWFS. Obviously didin't work as I'm not using...
  3. Raymund

    [HELP] Client loads 80-90-100% and then 404 error.

    Well.. I just tried doing my own hotel, but I clearly failed. The issue is.. I have everything set up in the client but it loads and then it disconnects (404 error) I'm not going to post a screen of that because it's just a normal 404 IIS page.. My client.php...
  4. Raymund

    HoloCMS -> r63? ;o

    Great lord! Massive sexyness. Is this dev still going? :)
  5. Raymund

    Donate to Rev

    I donated with the email address: [email protected] What I want you to do with my money: Do what ever you want for Rev.
  6. Raymund

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    When is this progressing?