Recent content by hamking

  1. H

    Runnet Data Engine (PHP)

    del. pls
  2. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    i know, im not trying to make some mlg 420 blaze it website and earn millions, i've been coding for 2 years now and i know that my design is awful, nothing i care about. I learned html while i was watching php tutorials, so basically im really fucking bad at html and css. If i add colours and...
  3. H

    [PHP][OOP][MySQLi] Content Management System

    good luck! :D
  4. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    yeah i'll fix that! thank you!
  5. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    yeah you're right, i'll remove the effects and make it so you can register and login from the index. Thank you, i will fix that!
  6. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    yeah i probably should, i was trying to make something unique and dark themed design does not appear in most social networks(atleast what i've seen) and idk how you feel but for me it's more chill with a dark theme. But i'll make another theme a bit more "brighter" and happier colors. thanks. I...
  7. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    great! im fine atm but i might need some help later.
  8. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    belive me i have this crazy idea in my head but it's hard to explain. you'll see when i start coding the home page and stuff like that. It's not close to facebook neither twitter or instagram (ofc you'll be able to post photos and things) edit: it'll be easier to explain then.
  9. H

    Social Networking website [OOP PHP, MySQLi, and so on]

    hello Devbest! I'm back coding a social networking website again from scratch. It's gonna be a slow development but when I'm done, I'll probably release it or I might just keep it to myself if you guys don't want it, lol. I was coding a social network before (like 7-8 months ago, stopped due...
  10. H

    HH Editor - Web Editor

    yes, i'm not planing to launch a super project or anything like that, i want to use the stuff i've learned. About that idea, I just thought about making it a bit like a social network. but nah, i don't think i'll add liking unliking and so on. thanks! EDIT: Tomorrow, i'll start coding stuff...
  11. H

    HH Editor - Web Editor

    alright :)
  12. H

    HH Editor - Web Editor

    I came up with this idea; you'll be able to create account and so on, and create your own shit without coding. when you're finished, you can share it on the website, which you gain points for. Everyone will be able to preview the site you've done, and then dislike or like it, and comment and so...
  13. H

    HH Editor - Web Editor

    fixed it now :). i'll be updating a lot next week, i'm not going to school next week so yeah.
  14. H

    HH Editor - Web Editor

    Thanks. Thanks.
  15. H

    HH Editor - Web Editor

    My first letter in my name and first letter in my last name