Recent content by Delite

  1. Delite

    [PDO, TPL, Cache, JavaScript, jQuery] Thunderbolt - RELEASE

    Hello, DevBest. I go today release Thunderbolt! It was actioly to pay it for 350 euro. Butt, i saw it one a crack, so i now release it ;')! :D Screens Loading: Homepage: Header: Choises:
  2. Delite

    HabshineCMS (WalkCMS Edit/Fixes/Translation).

    New fagg? I think this is a release, not a corrig Topic. So suck your dick, you are a fucking renamer.
  3. Delite

    Illuminia CMS [PHP, OOP, MySQLi, Uber 3]

    The downloadlink is dead..
  4. Delite

    [Release] PixelTimeCMS Dingo Edit

    Config is one: Includes -> languages -> nl-NL.php & Includes -> inc.bootstrap.php :D
  5. Delite

    Index Edit [Release]

    Nice index! 7.10 Butt, that guy have's not made the index?!
  6. Delite

    [TUT] How to portforward a habbo retro? [TUT]

    Anyways, it was very much work for this Tutorial!
  7. Delite

    Scripting & Developing - Skype: Daan-Delite

    Scripting & Developing - Skype: Daan-Delite
  8. Delite

    Hello Kryptos, You are een good RevCMS Developer. I love your work!

    Hello Kryptos, You are een good RevCMS Developer. I love your work!
  9. Delite

    Searching: HabboSWF - R63 ~ With belcredits

    Hi, all. I searching for a nice & good HabboSWF, with a Belcredit system. Anyone? With a catalogus (complet), and R63. And no bugg's, or image bugg's. And nice buttons & customs. Anyone? Greetz, - Delite
  10. Delite

    [FINAL] reCMS edit by iExit [2012 to 2013]

    I'd like this!
  11. Delite

    HabshineCMS (WalkCMS Edit/Fixes/Translation).

    Credits for Maxime on RetroNet! He's have made this.
  12. Delite

    [Release] RevCMS - Verse Theme & VerseASE

    I like the index, butt the register page (Animation) stays on the index, so as link /index.
  13. Delite

    Xampp error: please help

    Have you already Portforwarted?
  14. Delite

    Xampp error: please help

    Just take IIS, or go to Webhost ;)