[Guide] How to gain users on your hotel


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Advertisement Thread
Advertisement thread for hotels are really good, here you could describe your pro sides of your hotel which can gain users. Your advertisement thread is very important 'cause you tell what the users can get when they join your hotel, features/services/utilities they can use all over the community of your hotel, and make sure YOU ARE HONEST WITH WHAT YOU WRITE. Any small things written that is a LIE will break the trust of your users, for example:​
  • saying you have a fun community when you have few users online and mostly AFK
  • saying you are VPS-hosted when the fact is you host it on your own computer with a fan directing to it to keep it cold
  • etc...
Establish a happy company
A hotel should be a home for fun, not home for those who eat professionalism all the time. You should establish a happy company between you, your staffs and your users. Do not be serious at all time working for something, make sure there is always a smile on your users, the more they experience fun in your hotel, the more they will invite for users in the community, so make sure there is no :| in each of everyone.​
Work on your security for a +1
In my own personal experience in managing hotels and joining hotels, those who enjoy hotels for first time then when the hotel starts to be UP-DOWN-UP-DOWN, users starts to get annoyed and mostly they leave, so to make sure you can provide a 24/7 fun for them, work on your security. Use the following utilities/tools for your hotel:​
  • CloudFlare (to get your website supercharged and protected)
  • IIS 6/7+ (to have a secured hotel hosted)
  • RevCMS (for a secured CMS, why? Visit this: )
Gather ideas from your users
Your hotel, once became their favorite, they will and always will want to take in in different aspects from your hotel, their IDEAS are very important as these will give a good look on your hotel's reputation as being considerate. But don't be considerate that much, ideas are like fishes, once you eat it you need to sift the bones, so make sure whatever you accept is right and appropriate and is accepted to the crowd.​
Updates, updates and updates
Everything around us changes, that is constant, and we constantly cope with them. We love new things, and everybody does. Update your hotel if you find them suitable for your hotel, updates shall be accepted to the crowd, however, some hate updates so give polls before you actually apply one.​
Don't worry, this thread will be edited so make sure you subscribe! :) Click like if this is helpful.​


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
-- Thank you for the feedback, glad to hear this thread helps alot.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Thanks to everyone who find my thread useful! There will be more to be added once I get back to my laptop (right now I'm on my sister's and I need to be sensitive unlike on mine since I use external keyboard).


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
Nice little tut, however pretty much everything you included is common sense.
If people need to read this thread before making a hotel, then quiet frankly it will fail


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Nice thread and nice guide, but I agree with Kaz, if you NEED this then you need to think a bit more, but still nice guide.


#dat habbo nigga
Apr 12, 2012
Haha, brilliant guide.
Sent it to a friend who needs it and it worked faktis, he had 10 users online :)

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