Safety warning


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Hi all,

This week the accounts of 2 of our users were compromised and had unauthorized access to their accounts. To start off, DevBest itself is fully safe and the unauthorized access did not happen in any way through DevBest. However, after investigation, we did figure out the people responsible for this. If you are using any service, or access any website belonging to one of the following 2 people, I highly advise you to change your password and never use their services again:
- @Queso
- @Bot

Both users have been banned from DevBest, permanently. As a small reminder to everyone using DevBest, never give out your password to others, don't re-use your password on other websites, and also don't log in on your account on a non-trusted service seller its services.

Stay safe.


Oct 27, 2014
Hi all,

This week the accounts of 2 of our users were compromised and had unauthorized access to their accounts. To start off, DevBest itself is fully safe and the unauthorized access did not happen in any way through DevBest. However, after investigation, we did figure out the people responsible for this. If you are using any service, or access any website belonging to one of the following 2 people, I highly advise you to change your password and never use their services again:
- @Queso
- @Bot

Both users have been banned from DevBest, permanently. As a small reminder to everyone using DevBest, never give out your password to others, don't re-use your password on other websites, and also don't log in on your account on a non-trusted service seller its services.

Stay safe.
That's a shame. They seemed kinda sketchy anyway, especially Queso. Even worse that he did it through employment at a habbo retro lol.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Can't view their profiles to see if they had any past usernames. Would be good to know to be on the lookout, just in case
Queso is also known as zeroHigh and zikey. As for Bot, this would be Junn and he's called Adrian. Queso used to work for Instant Products (or Host or w/e)


Posting Freak
Jul 27, 2016
@Bot was a mod on Boon recently, probably got fired for double jobbing on Habpop before this happened.
He never worked for Habpop but I believe for the right reason he got released from Boon for opening his own retro Pixeled??


New Member
Nov 21, 2018
This thread is so flawed, it's not even funny. @Itachi um who even are you? I've never worked with you a day in my life, also define sketchy? Bot is indeed Adrian that used to work at Habboon, not user Adrian, user Bot, also known as MOD-Bot. This thread is so inaccurate, it's quite sad that people go this low to make people look bad. First off, "This week the accounts of 2 of our users were compromised," um, who's accounts were compromised and what does this have to do with DevBest's staff team? Like I have stated to Wess and to others, this was not my doing, all I did was provide the person with a server, had no idea of their intentions. I get pulled into this, because apparently my IP matches the IP logged into on their accounts. I highly doubt the IP fully matched an IP i've logged in with, probably just matched the gateway, because the server I gave to the person was from a hosting company I worked for, and I actually did login to my account on one of the servers to download something off of here, so that's to clear that mix-up. Also, I have shown full proof to Wess himself of the person admitting to his doing, yet Wess seems to not care, and he bans that guy, then keeps me banned even though I had no part in this act. Oh and for the record @Pinkman he didn't get fired from Boon, he willingly left, @Sledmore can confirm this. Anyways, I know this thread was posted a while back, but i'm just saying this thread is so flawed it's really sad how flawed this thread is, because Wess is making up an entire story to act as if we are some type of "hackers" or "habbo hackers," yet I am clearly not as I had no part in this, and no accounts were "hacked," I bet Adrian simply just decrypted an md5 password from his Pixeled database, simple as that, had nothing to do with DevBest, so it confuses me why he would have been banned in the first place. Hope that clears everything up, pretty sure this will be deleted and this account will be banned because that's how petty some of the people on the staff team here are, ahem Wess. #PermanentlyBannedOnMainForNotDoingAnythingWrong #RIP Also @Pinkman can confirm who did this, and so can @evahabpop :up:
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2014
@Itachi um who even are you?
Don't worry about it.

I've never worked with you a day in my life
Do I care? LUL
(no, i wouldn't want to work with you anyway)

also define sketchy?

Sorry, didn't realize you didn't know the definition.


New Member
Nov 21, 2018
Don't worry about it.

Do I care? LUL
(no, i wouldn't want to work with you anyway)


Sorry, didn't realize you didn't know the definition.
I know the definition of sketchy, i'm asking who are you to say I seem sketchy? The fact that you don't even know who I am and the fact that you can't even identify yourself, shows that you are very insecure about who you are and shows that you clearly have something to hide, so why is it not you that is classed as sketchy, you can't even identify yourself? :rolleyes: Also, you say, "Do I care." Clearly you care a lot if you bothered to mention it in your really ugly reply, didn't even bother to type out a paragraph, what a sad skid. Lol, I know the next comeback, "I didn't bother to type it out because you're irrelevant and not worth my time," wow haven't heard that one before. Also, I'm glad that you wouldn't want to work with me, I wouldn't want to work with you either, you're just the same like every other person that wants to be relevant on this forum, you think you're someone on a virtual game, lol, well done, want a trophy? "Biggest Loser that thinks he is relevant to a situation he knows nothing about, but has to try to act as if they're someone so they can seem relevant." What an idiot, again, pretty sure these replies will be removed because obviously certain staff don't want people to know the truth, not gonna name any names, ahem - wess


Posting Freak
Jul 27, 2016
Wait I never worked at Boon? :lol: Secondly you still are involved. Your the one who provided the server meaning you are involved with whatever happens on that server. Your responsible for the actions of Adrian if it was him.

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