Retro Is Devbest's habbo community dying?


Headmaster Of Hogwart's
Apr 30, 2012
I was wondering if the Habbo community in devbest has died, as you can see none wants to help the new comers, rather all i can see is the new comers helping the other new comers which doesnt bring them anywhere. Me and my friend who has been in the community since time back, feels that people had become more selfish in only providing personal help. I compared Devbest's Habbo community to Rival forum's Habbo Community, i can see efforts being taken to bring back the community on the other. I would like to know opinions from you all, on why do you think does the professional's wouldn't want to help the new comers or pass it down to the next generation..


Mar 20, 2013
tbh the whole Habbo community on DevBest has had its peaks but I think everyone has come to a point where they need to realize that Habbo Retros are not the way to go forward. Most new retros are a hotspot for little beggars asking for VIP or a staff role which will get on the owners nerves and something more annoying is that even if you try get people to your retro, you will have a good peak for one night then the next it will be gone.
What i find most annoying about the DevBest Habbo Community is that everyone is asking for money for hotel setups, graphics etc. Why the fuck would you pay for that? Doesn't anyone remember the days where people did it for free, its complete bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
tbh the whole Habbo community on DevBest has had its peaks but I think everyone has come to a point where they need to realize that Habbo Retros are not the way to go forward. Most new retros are a hotspot for little beggars asking for VIP or a staff role which will get on the owners nerves and something more annoying is that even if you try get people to your retro, you will have a good peak for one night then the next it will be gone.
What i find most annoying about the DevBest Habbo Community is that everyone is asking for money for hotel setups, graphics etc. Why the fuck would you pay for that? Doesn't anyone remember the days where people did it for free, its complete bullshit.
Little like you then?



Dec 6, 2011
The pro's usually learn't by themselves so they might think the new comers should do the same

We all used to help around the Habbo section and share our knowledge but as we did that, people began to expect to be spoon fed, we just realized that once we keep helping and giving them answers, they won't learn, they'll just want more spoon feeding. We didn't learn by begging for help and expecting to be spoon fed, we learnt by trying and failing then researching and learning how to fix. Everything has changed now, and for the worst as well. The Habbo community not just on DevBest but everywhere else is hanging only by a thin thread.


Professional Slag
Apr 2, 2015
I think habbo retros in general are going down hill, notice that the newer retros never stay open for over 3 months? Fresh hotel and habboon are basically the only ones who dedicated this.

Feb 24, 2012
It is hard indeed but it think that people should help more and don't ask for money
Maybe if there are some good coders for a cms and gonna start to make a good one with a nice installer and then maybe ask for a few bucks
i think people will have that effort to pay for a good working system and by that people can make addons what can be shared on the community so everybody can help each other.
now you got like thousends of cms systems and it is difficult to help on each on other system.

I think we need more and good tutorials with images and a step by step guide.
And maybe a host to upload the stuff to what will not be removed by sulake or whatever


Dec 6, 2011
It is hard indeed but it think that people should help more and don't ask for money
Maybe if there are some good coders for a cms and gonna start to make a good one with a nice installer and then maybe ask for a few bucks
i think people will have that effort to pay for a good working system and by that people can make addons what can be shared on the community so everybody can help each other.
now you got like thousends of cms systems and it is difficult to help on each on other system.

I think we need more and good tutorials with images and a step by step guide.
And maybe a host to upload the stuff to what will not be removed by sulake or whatever

Developers don't want to release their work anymore because noobs will just: grab it; ruin the code quality of their product; rename it and then release it with countless exploits. And you're making a horrible point there, software should always be free and open-source. Paying and asking for money for software no matter its quality is just wrong. Also, the Habbo community does not have 'thousands' of content management systems like you said, there are just a few ( > 6 maybe) that actually do the job of a content management system.

Regardless of whether there are hundreds upon hundreds of step-by-step tutorials out there with all the images they can contain, if a retro owner does not have any technical knowledge at all, whether it'd be programming knowledge; database management knowledge; etc, the retro will fail.
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Feb 24, 2012
Developers don't want to release their work anymore because noobs will just: grab it; ruin the code quality of their product; rename it and then release it with countless exploits. And you're making a horrible point there, software should always be free and open-source. Paying and asking for money for software no matter its quality is just wrong. Also, the Habbo community does not have 'thousands' of content management systems like you said, there are just a few ( > 6 maybe) that actually do the job of a content management system.

Regardless of whether there are hundreds upon hundreds of step-by-step tutorials out there with all the images they can contain, if a retro owner does not have any technical knowledge at all, whether it'd be programming knowledge; database management knowledge; etc, the retro will fail.

I agree on that but i mean with thousends of cms systems all edits


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
You're the one to speak of horrible edits. Kappa
Tbh I know that my edits were quite horrendous, hence why I moved towards development from scratch. Turns out, it's a lot easier coding a base that suits your needs than to adjust to a smaller scale and limited base.


Apr 27, 2012
Developers don't want to release their work anymore because noobs will just: grab it; ruin the code quality of their product; rename it and then release it with countless exploits.

There is this, the fact that horrid, horrid people like to take others hard-end work and claim it as their own which if I'm not mistaken, in the past year, this has happened time and time and time again. Developers are sick of it, designers are sick of it. In the end, if you're going to claim someones work as your own then why should people put in the time and effort if you are not going to credit them. Why should developers & designers work I'd say a week or so to make something perfect to release for free when people are going to come along and claim that this work that this woman/gentleman kindly devoted their own time too as their own? Is their any argument against that? No? I'll take my leave then.

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