Cutting yourself...good or bad oo


nah mang
May 12, 2011
self harm is fuking stupid doge; ur going to die anyway so you might as well do something useful with ur life
That argument might be dumbest thing I ever heard.

A better argument would be:
self harm is fuking stupid doge; life is short so settle down and enjoy.

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Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Think this argument speaks for itself.. You are asking if making your body bleed by force is good?
Injuring yourself on purpose by making scratches or cuts on your body with a sharp object — enough to break the skin and make it bleed — is called cutting. Cutting is a type of self-injury, or SI. People who cut often start cutting in their young teens. Some continue to cut into adulthood.

People may cut themselves on their wrists, arms, legs, or bellies. Some people self-injure by burning their skin with the end of a cigarette or lighted match.

When cuts or burns heal, they often leave scars or marks. People who injure themselves usually hide the cuts and marks and sometimes no one else knows.
It can be hard to understand why people cut themselves on purpose. Cutting is a way some people try to cope with the pain of strong emotions, , or upsetting . They may be dealing with feelings that seem too difficult to bear or bad situations they think can't change.

Some people cut because they feel desperate for relief from bad feelings. People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure. Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness.

There are other ways to cope with difficulties, even big problems and terrible emotional pain. The help of a might be needed for major life troubles or overwhelming emotions. For other tough situations or strong emotions, it can help put things in perspective to talk problems over with parents, other adults, or friends. Getting plenty of also can help put problems in perspective and help balance emotions.

But people who cut may not have developed ways to cope. Or their coping skills may be overpowered by emotions that are too intense. When emotions don't get expressed in a healthy way, tension can build up — sometimes to a point where it seems almost unbearable. Cutting may be an attempt to relieve that extreme tension. For some, it seems like a way of feeling in control.

The urge to cut might be triggered by strong feelings the person can't express — such as anger, hurt, shame, frustration, or alienation. People who cut sometimes say they feel they don't fit in or that no one understands them. A person might cut because of or to escape a sense of emptiness. Cutting might seem like the only way to find relief or express personal pain over relationships or rejection.

People who cut or self-injure sometimes have other mental health problems that contribute to their emotional tension. Cutting is sometimes (but not always) associated with depression, , eating disorders, obsessive thinking, or compulsive behaviors. It can also be a sign of mental health problems that cause people to have trouble controlling their impulses or to take unnecessary risks. Some people who cut themselves have problems with drug or alcohol abuse.

Some people who cut have had a traumatic experience, such as living through , violence, or a disaster. Self-injury may feel like a way of "waking up" from a sense of numbness after a traumatic experience. Or it may be a way of reliving the pain they went through, expressing anger over it, or trying to get control of it.

Although cutting may provide some temporary relief from a terrible feeling, even people who cut agree that it isn't a good way to get that relief. For one thing, the relief doesn't last. The troubles that triggered the cutting remain — they're just masked over.

People don't usually intend to hurt themselves permanently when they cut. And they don't usually mean to keep cutting once they start. But both can happen. It's possible to misjudge the depth of a cut, making it so deep that it requires stitches (or, in extreme cases, hospitalization). Cuts can become infected if a person uses nonsterile or dirty cutting instruments — razors, scissors, pins, or even the sharp edge of the tab on a can of soda.

Most people who cut aren't attempting suicide. Cutting is usually a person's attempt at feeling better, not ending it all. Although some people who cut do attempt suicide, it's usually because of the emotional problems and pain that lie behind their desire to self-harm, not the cutting itself.

Cutting can be habit forming. It can become a compulsive behavior — meaning that the more a person does it, the more he or she feels the need to do it. The brain starts to connect the false sense of relief from bad feelings to the act of cutting, and it craves this relief the next time tension builds. When cutting becomes a compulsive behavior, it can seem impossible to stop. So cutting can seem almost like an addiction, where the urge to cut can seem too hard to resist. A behavior that starts as an attempt to feel more in control can end up controlling you.



Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
I used to cut during my Sophomore years but that was because I am depressed and not just attention seeking or what. Before, when I cut, the physical pain outweighs the emotional pain and I feel more relieved that's why I did it more often but when I went to my Junior years I no longer do it 'cause those people, who are the reasons why I cut,simply don't deserve it. They're bullshits. Now when cutting comes into my thoughts, I just feel goosebumps. I just always think that there are other people who faces more problems than me yet they don't cut and survive everyday.


Feb 4, 2013
I know some people who cut themselves just to get attention, and I'm always wondering... What was the point?


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
It helped me with relieving my own issues, and whenever I quit cutting, I actually ended up overdosing because it all built up so much...people cope differently, overall it's just a coping skill..


Gaming Lord
Staff member
Nov 23, 2011
They have councillors and therapists for a reason, so people are not forced to cause themselves physical harm...


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Why cut yourself when you could punch a pillow or something to let your anger out.

Fair enough people have their own ways of coping with stuff but putting a fucking blade to your wrist is not the answer.


New Member
Dec 4, 2014
I've never done it before. I guess it's some kind of release for them?
BUT It's still a big NO for self harm. There are other ways to make yourself feel better.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
I've never done it before. I guess it's some kind of release for them?
BUT It's still a big NO for self harm. There are other ways to make yourself feel better.
People cope differently, for those who never cut themselves...they can't really understand. Therapists even say there's different ways of coping, some people cut themselves, others cry, and me I just make everything a joke....It's whatever.


Apr 27, 2012
Is self harm good? No, of course it isn't good. Whoever said it is a 'good' thing is completely absent of the idea that this person is hurting themselves. How is hurting oneself a good thing in any state of mind? Keeping in mind that there is a reason behind everything - don't be so quick to say 'they're fucked in the head'.


Web Developer
Jan 2, 2012
Self harm is never the answer.
If you have emotional/physical problems it's just best to go to therapy.

My conclusion: No, Cutting it bad.

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