XenForo 1.1.4, Resource Manager, New Home, etc.

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fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
XenForo 1.1.4

Today we successfully updated to the latest release of XenForo, which was 1.1.4. It was mainly a bug fix update, with some additional anti-spam features included. If you'd like a full list of the features and everything else, you can click .

With that being said, their might be a few template issues here and there, I'm not sure. If you see any bugs please let us know.

Resource Manager

XenForo also released an add-on called "Resource Manager" today which I purchased as soon as I could as I think that it will benefit the community, especially the developers who want a simple way to release their projects to the public.

While the "Resource Manager" currently isn't fully setup, we hope to have it up and complete within the next few days. If you'd like to suggest categories for the "Resource Manager", feel free to do so . Also, if you'd like to see a demo of it when it's fully up and running with a community, you can check it out .

Once it's completely set up, I'm sure I'll make a thread going into much more detail.

New Homepage

I have decided to go ahead and change the home page from a basic forum list to more of a blog type thing. I mainly did this in hopes of being able to spotlight threads that I think are good for the community, and will either find them entertaining or informative. We are currently testing it out to see how it goes, and hopefully it will be a success.

One Style/Theme

I've made the decision to disable all themes aside from the default one, as it's not only easier on me when working on the site, but I think it brings in a more shared and professional experience. It also allows us to focus on one thing, which I think will improve DevBest as a whole, as oppose to having multiple themes that either lack updates/fixes and don't have a high level of standard.

Community Projects Removed

The "Community Projects" section has been removed as I just didn't see it working out that well. Sure there were quite a few submissions, but the time and effort that went into it just wasn't worth it. So for now, all "Community Projects" have been removed, aside from "Rev", which was moved to the Habbo Development section, where it fits in better.

Spamzilla > General Chat

Spamzilla has been changed to "General Chat", and the "Life" sections have become sub-sections of "General Chat". I did this mainly because Spamzilla didn't seem very obvious as to what the point of the section was, but rather gave the idea that it was just for spam. When in reality, it is more for general topics that don't fit else where on the forums.

With that being said, "General Chat" still does not have a post count, however that may change in the future - we'll have to see how that pans out. Although, "Life" and "News Feed" still retain post counts when you post there.

Notable Mentions:
  • The main forums have been rearranged on the front page to target a more mature user base that focuses on more general topics such as technology and gaming related stuff.
  • The main forums now have icons to better help depict what those sections are about, and to make it easier to find a section that appeals to you, as each section seems to stand out, as oppose to blend in.
  • Thread prefixes are now shown at the top of each section to make navigation easier.
I'm sure I've missed a few things, anyways, I just wanted to inform you guys on what is going on around here.
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