Video Worthless fucking scum.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
annoying young foke these days with their snowballs and shannanigans.
I really hope that you're not being sarcastic and advocating such behavior. If so, you're one sad human being. These are grown adults going to college, children don't even act like this. I could understand maybe a snow ball or two, but when you start covering the poor guys car, and then proceeding to whip hard packed snow balls at his windows.. What really set me off is the guy who threw snow in his car, and the people who thought they were "cool" throwing snow balls at him once he got of his car.

It's plain sickening that anyone can think this is right, or "funny". I really hope all those involved are punished.


Posting Freak
Oct 11, 2012
I really hope that you're not being sarcastic and advocating such behavior. If so, you're one sad human being. These are grown adults going to college, children don't even act like this. I could understand maybe a snow ball or two, but when you start covering the poor guys car, and then proceeding to whip hard packed snow balls at his windows.. What really set me off is the guy who threw snow in his car, and the people who thought they were "cool" throwing snow balls at him once he got of his car.

It's plain sickening that anyone can think this is right, or "funny". I really hope all those involved are punished.
No I am serious, I was going to say something like what fucking faggots but decided it was pretty self explanatory....


Sep 12, 2013
I'd just put the foot down and ran the over and then if they took me to court said "The put snow on my window" couldn't see sorry :p


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
Surely throwing snowballs at a person is classed as assault in the US? It's nothing but Anti-Social behavior and to be honest the guy should of called the police. I wouldn't of been so against this if it was just one teen but it's almost half of the school/college? If it was me I would of parked and called the police and video it all. Fucking childish cunts!


Jul 25, 2010
The driver didn't even seem angry, he looked like he was trying to negotiate with them. I would have stabbed somebody.

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