Basically, if you look at my site; the logo says Focused.
Not sure how to change it because, in my setting's I set the slogan and title.
Site Title: GeekyPenguin
Tagline: I'm to Penguin to be Geeky.
So, I checked in the header.php and I understood none of it.
So, I want the logo to say GeekyPenguin instead of Focused.
You must be registered for see links
)Not sure how to change it because, in my setting's I set the slogan and title.
Site Title: GeekyPenguin
Tagline: I'm to Penguin to be Geeky.
So, I checked in the header.php and I understood none of it.
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<?php if(of_get_option('image_logo') != 1){?>
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<span><?php echo get_bloginfo('description');?></span>
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So, I want the logo to say GeekyPenguin instead of Focused.