What is a good host for a habbo retro?


Web Developer
Aug 6, 2015
Looking for a good host since hostsavor has shut down.
1. 2GB - 4GB RAM, Windows VPS
2. TCP Proxy Host

I found OVH which offers a 2gb VPS for 12.55$/month
I only found epichosts for a proxy but would like to find another host

Please give me some suggestions thank you :)


May 18, 2016
Looking for a good host since hostsavor has shut down.
1. 2GB - 4GB RAM, Windows VPS
2. TCP Proxy Host

I found OVH which offers a 2gb VPS for 12.55$/month
I only found epichosts for a proxy but would like to find another host

Please give me some suggestions thank you :)

Depends on what you want it for I use for big projects. They have great support they are not re-seller and have powerful servers. They answer usually in 20 minutes to any query.
Or because the people who manage it are very nice people.


Mar 13, 2017
Depends on what you want it for I use for big projects. They have great support they are not re-seller and have powerful servers. They answer usually in 20 minutes to any query.
Or because the people who manage it are very nice people.
planetahost isn't even english


New Member
Dec 17, 2011
so badly false advertising tbh like they say they will help etc but then charge u an arm and a leg just for a logo to be added. lol
A client has full access to the files of any service they purchase, we offer assistance through step-by-step instructions and if a client can't follow those steps, then we ensue a charge depending on how long the request takes. Just to be clear I have never charged for 'adding a logo' - a one or two minute job I will usually happily do for free.

Rhyce actually begs for free stuff all the time, and most of which I oblige with until it actually gets to the point where it's taking more time than it's worth doing for free - I'm running a business after all.

(Also Rhyce is still a client with us and doesn't seem to mind coming back to our services frequently despite his post)

shittest customer service i've ever witnessed in my entire existence
Any issues are dealt with in accordance to fair cooperation from both the client and myself as the only staff member of EpicHosts. I can't confirm your identity so I can't share my side of this story, but any issues or complaints we can deal with appropriately or I'm happy to talk about it here or in PM.

We are still 'open' because we actually provide a service that's satisfactory for enough clients to keep us going. But as mentioned above, anyone that wants to deal with any issues either publicly or privately is more than welcome to do so - I'll be here.

-Terrum (Webmaster of EpicHosts.co.uk)
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