Cryptocurrency What crypto's should we be looking out for?


Lord Farquaad
Apr 3, 2013
With everything going on in Wall Street, I've decided to get back into investing in stocks as of last week. I am holding GME, AMC, BB and Nokia. So far, gains have been pretty good. I've lost a bit on NOK, but hoping for a better outcome next week.

I've also been invested into Doge for a little over a year and am amazed at the profit I've made for it being a meme. However, Doge has an unlimited supply and I don't think it's going to see $1. Can Doge cut the unlimited supply? I feel this may be the only way it could ever go above $1. Should I still hold onto it? Last night I went up $2,300 alone. I'm thinking on selling at the next spike.

What crypto's are you keeping your eye on?


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
Doge only goes up when there's a huge amount of people suddenly buying it due to the massive amount of spam and hysteria the fanbase is able to generate. I was mining DGC for a while but TBH now is the best time to bail then ever. Realize the profits and spend it elsewhere. BTC to the moon.


Lord Farquaad
Apr 3, 2013
Doge only goes up when there's a huge amount of people suddenly buying it due to the massive amount of spam and hysteria the fanbase is able to generate. I was mining DGC for a while but TBH now is the best time to bail then ever. Realize the profits and spend it elsewhere. BTC to the moon.
Is there ever going to be a point in time where Doge goes to a limited supply?


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
Is there ever going to be a point in time where Doge goes to a limited supply?
If I had a magical crystal ball I'd probably tell you no, so I'll tell you; probably not. I haven't been as deep into the community as when it first launched and the following years but from my regular checking in, it seems that overall development on DGC is stagnated and its more or less just another crypto. With that, it's not to say there isn't a chance for some kind of benefit to be provided from it, or for change to come. It's just the same idea with bitcoin, you have to convert not only the code but the userbase. The latter being far more difficult to sway than you'd imagine, albeit probably easier in the light of people refusing to wear masks, idiots are online too right? They are, and they're buying crypto. Many people don't want DGC limited, and from what arguments I've managed it's mostly because memes.

DGC going limited isn't the issue, it's the fact that it would inevitably lead to a hard fork and a large division in the userbase. The miners would chose sides and with it would go the value of the currency, if you thought it had any. The intrinsic value that is attributed to DGC is in my opinion grossly overinflated, as it is now. What do you buy with DGC? What payment portal that accepts DGC doesn't accept damn near every other coin? With those answered (nothing;none), why use DGC in the first place?
Again we're kind of back where we started, what cryptos should we be looking out for? It seems like you've got a fairly good comprehension of crypto and the nuances between the myriad of options. I'm interested in the coins YOU are looking out for, and the ones you may be holding?

Over the years I've tend to a more conservative investment scheme where I started off buying any and all cryptos that seemed interesting, only to realize small gains years later. Yes profit is nice, but it was negligible and I could have made more keeping the BTC / USD and spending it elsewise. I'm sure many have profited off other coins but I've not made any kind of significant sum from anything but BTC and LTC.

My problem is finding that intrinsic value everyone seems to know the exact number of. If no one is buying anything with it, no one getting paid with it, what are they doing?


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
I hope you're still holding Doge, since Elon drives it a lot on Twitter and he's about to host SNL it'll probably hit $1. I bought 5,000 in February for around £100 which has just hit £2,500 so I'm hoping it'll hit the $1 mark!

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