Stop-And-Frisk in NYPD


Posting Freak
Aug 3, 2012

My friend posted this on another forum and I thought it was interesting.
Its a long video, but to give you all a brief explanation:
A 17-year-old boy who has been repeatedly stopped by the police decided to record the interaction on his iPod. He does nothing wrong, says nothing wrong, but is continually being verbally harassed and threatened by the NYPD.
Personally, hearing the audio recording was a bit uncomfortable.
If you guys want to skip to that part its at 2:10.

The video later also brings us to the officer's point of view. According to a few anonymous police officers they are required to meet a number of stops and arrests during a certain period of time, and if they don't do so they are reprimanded by their superiors. So police make pointless stops and harass innocent people because its a part of their job.

What do you guys think about that?
Do you think making police officers reach a goal will make them perform better?

I was really disturbed by how they were talking to that boy. And by why they even stopped him.
I respect police officers. I feel safe in my city because I know the police are doing their job. But if I knew my local police department behaved like this I would feel very conflicted, because I don't think that's okay at all.

Credits to JessicaDoe for this bye


Posting Freak
Oct 11, 2012
No, They shouldn't have a goal at all. Than this happens which is disgusting.
Good on this guy for recording this.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
A clear violation of the fourth amendment, but then again, no one seems to care. They're more worried about the latest TV show or gossip about celebrities.

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