Recruiting Staff Team & GFX.


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
A little about us

My retro has a dev, JayCustom, and myself and Ray who are motivated owners. We have been open a few months, however we are rebranding and opening as a new hotel with our loyal user base so we can start fresh and aim higher. We need a strong team of staff who have both experience and determination to take our hard working retro to the next level.

What are we looking for

As well as the usual staff ranks (community leader, admins, moderators, events etc), we also need a gfx designer. We are rebranding our hotel and are ready to go big. We need the gfx work to make our hotel stand out and we need dedicated and experienced staff.

Please discord me or Skype me if you’re interested and have experience.
Discord - Abi#6867
Skype - abi9969
Or drop your details below.
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Habbo Guardian
Feb 18, 2012
Im in for one of the staff ranks. My experience is all rank from trial mod til co.owner. Its not importent aslong i make a diffense to the hotel.
I got my own Discord channel (se my signature) catch me there
(Sorry my grammar, im from Denmark, and English is not the best)
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