Should I learn?

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Retro Developer
May 6, 2012
Should I learn CSS? I want to help more in the devbest community?
If so why?
If not why?
Some people say to. Is it to hard? Is it easy?
Fast to learn?


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
You need expert knowledge in PHP to master CSS.
No you don't. You don't even need to know a lick a of PHP to "master" CSS.

CSS simply allows you to make your HTML look "pretty". So as long you have a general understanding for how HTML works, you should be fine learning CSS.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2012
some peoplein this thread are dumb as fuck.

dude do what you wanna do, i dont understand why you have to ask.

of course CSS is important and you should learn it. without it you make shit sites. it's good to make php applications, but if you don't know anyone that is willing to code you a layout, you have to do it yourself. and when you can't do a layout, people are not attracted to your site because it's ugly.

that being said you also have to learn php, but why not both at the same time. do some designs, and then make some code, mix them together and make a project. its not hard. i did it and i have a nice website that i can edit like i want because i made it and i know how to code it. there is no best, both serve different purposes.

if you asked between php and actionscript, well the answer is easier, what type of stuff you wanna do, but php and css go along
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