Section Rules

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Jul 21, 2010

  • Showcase your server-side coding, with pictures or with a demo website and ask for feedback. Showcase does NOT mean 'Release', if you want to release a CMS or a News System or a User system do so in the Free Programs/Scripts section.
  • Do not release templates/Layouts, do so in the Web Design section respectively.
  • Ask for help in the main section or post a development.
When you have solved your problem or someone has fixed it for you, do not edited your original post to something such as "Fixed, close thread" -- keep the original post as is to let other people (in the future) know what your problem was. Also, make the fix/solution visible even if you manage to fix it yourself so other people with the same problem can get the answer too. (added 08/03/2014)

  • Please note: If you're going to post a development it HAS to be released, else it is just pointless.
  • Extra Note: Any designs that are looking for feedback should be placed in the section, not here.
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