Hello there again.Hi, pretty sure you can search in your DB for the name of the item. If you're wanting to change how much it costs you need to find the correct ID and it should say cost or something related to that. If you can't search, you can put it in ascending order in your DB and make sure you check thoroughly from page to page.
Hope I could help.
SELECT * FROM catalog_items WHERE page_id = '16';
SELECT * FROM furniture WHERE id = '202';
The ID for that item I have got is; 5538.
To find the item you look in the catalog_pages table. Then find the page name you want to look into, and then get that ID (Which is the first column);
Once you've found that, you can run this as a query;
This will then popup;Code:SELECT * FROM catalog_items WHERE page_id = '16';
From there you want to go to the third column which will hopefully be the Item_ID column. You want to get that ID, and then run this query;
Then from there it should look like this;Code:SELECT * FROM furniture WHERE id = '202';
And with all that, you should be able to find any furniture you want, in this case you want to find the Ruby and Gold horse item.