[Request] Casino System [Free]


New Member
Dec 13, 2012
I really looking someone to program casino system for an v63Rp
But the money made and loss from this will have to go into/come from cooperation, CorpID:140269

With these Commands/Systems

Slot Machine:
Pretty Simple Double click the slot machine( 5 coins taken away to bet), with a 1/5 chance of winning the prize would be 25c ( The Money Would be given Automatically if win)

Scratch Ticket
Also Simple buy a scratch card (10 coins taken away to bet), with a 1/10 chance you could win 100c

Weekly Lottery
Buying a lottery ticket is also simple (50c Taken away to bet), there will be only one winner, out of the persons who bought the ticket the lottery will be done weekly, when the winner is chosen the Prize will automatically go into his balance (Not Bank) with a pop up saying he won
The Prize is 1,000 coins

to buy the lottery and scratch ticket they will have to be in the room, (RoomID: 210)


If you do this I will give you 5 furniture, pixel art states for free (customs)

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