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The Official Gay
Oct 1, 2011
What is your religion and beliefs? Share the world of DevBest what you think is true. In all honesty, I do not have a religion or believe in "God". But, I love learning about others and what they think. Feel welcome to comment on other why that may be fake, or seems unrealistic. Just keep note of the rule(s) down below!

NOTE: There will be NO hatred against ANYONE or ANY thoughts/religions. Everyone is different, and in this thread, your are to accept that. If you break this rule staff will be notified and comments removed from this thread. No need to hate on each other, we are who we are!


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
This is a bit of a hard debate, due to all the different religions of people on Devbest.
Personally i am an Atheist, Deep down i do think something happened a long long time ago, but what? i cant answer that


The Official Gay
Oct 1, 2011
I have about the same point of view as you do. The only problem with what happened decades ago was, we never lived in the time range. I know science is getting further in advance and has come around quit abit the past 20 years. But tbh, I don't think we will ever know what truly happened. I just can't see one person creating the world, life, etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
As what said, that would be hard, especially we do have different beliefs, the debate would be endless then.
But personally, I used to be religious but don't know why I lost love for it, and wanted to go back. :down: But I'll tell you, if you strongly believe in something, like God, good things could happen. For somewhat reason, on my fourth grading period I tried my hard and thought I am not going on one of the ranks, but what...? I was on the 14th rank in our class! I thanked God so much and never regret in believing to Him. I do not hate atheists too as their belief is different.

Goodluck in defending your sides guys! :)
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