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👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Since today (June 20 - 2013) a major clean up has happened in the Habbo Advertisement section. Together with this, the Section is now also moderated. More information about these 2 things are below. Also, make sure you read this thread carefully, as it contains important information for your thread to be accepted.

1. Section is moderated
When you post a thread, it needs to be accepted by a Moderator first. If your thread doesn't apply with the Section Rules, your thread will be denied and we will inform you of this. Do not make multiple threads when it doesn't show up.

2. All old threads have been removed
All old threads, and threads from hotels which aren't open anymore, are all removed from the section. In the future when a hotel closes, the thread also will be deleted. (If you think your thread has been deleted unfairly, please contact me for it to be setted back)

Section Rules
If you want your thread to be accepted, it needs to apply to the Habbo Advertisement section rules and the Global Habbo Hotel Section rules, which can be found here:

When your threads isn't according the section rules, it will be denied.

Advertisement Template
When posting a thread, you are adviced to take a example out of the following thread (thanks to ):

Notify a Section MOD when your server is down
If you see your server is down for any reason - please notify a Section Moderator of this. If we check to see if your hotel is offline and we haven't been notified, your thread will be deleted.

If you have notified us, we will close your thread for up to 48 hours to resolve the problem, after this your thread will also be deleted.

Keeping your advertisement up to date
Remember when posting a advertisement thread, it is your job to keep the thread active. You aren't allowed to recreate your thread when it has been inactive for a while. Making a new thread while the old one still excists, will lead to a warning and the new thread being deleted.

We hope the following changes will give all people a fair chance to have their thread visited, without it getting lost in a sea of old threads - and also give the people who forgot about their threads to give them a new chance to promote their hotel.

Thank you.

Habbo Hotel Section Moderation - Community of Developers
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