Make sure to try what Lewis said however I noticed in your client.php you had the default port so make sure you change that to the port that came with your proxy ip.If you are using Phoenix or Gold Tree Emulator run these SQLs and reboot the emulator.
UPDATE server_settings SET enable_securesessions = '0';
UPDATE server_settings SET enable_antiddos = '1';
UPDATE server_settings SET ip_lastforbans = '1';
If that does not work run TRUNCATE bans; as you might have banned the proxy IP or just manually remove the record from the table.
If this does not work I advise you to submit a support ticket and HostSavors support team should be able to sort this for you.
Lewis have no ( TIME FOR ONLINE SUPPORT ) so try to move and get a proxies to (I think HostSavor just shut all of it's proxy services down if Lewis owns it
I think HostSavor just shut all of it's proxy services down if Lewis owns it