Need help making my retro accessible to the public


New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Hi all; I've had experience in developing habbo retros in the past, and the furthest i got was setting everything up behind the scenes and connecting the hotel to hamachi allowing my friends to play on my retro. I recently started messing around with habbo retros again and found myself setting up my own with BrainCMS again. As expected, it's using localhost; I was wondering if anyone could help me get the retro public, using my own domain so anyone around the world could access the site and client, might sound like a bit of a noob question but I've no idea how to do it. I have good grips on the backend of retros but i never took it to the level of transferring everything to a public platform. If anyone could help me do it I'm willing to pay. I do have discord if anyone wants to help out, thanks!


Mar 16, 2018
There is plenty of tutorials on this site, maybe check out the "Tutorials" on here? :)

All tho, you need a VPS server, that runs either IIS or something else, Navicat for database and cloudflare / sucuri.
I personally use Sucuri, Contabo servers and Navicat premium (cracked) ;O
If you need help setting up everything, some people want a dime for it, some does it for free, i do not have the time right now, cause i do tutorials on my own on YouTube :)

Best of luck to your hotel!


Jan 6, 2019
Hi buddy, you need to setup the hotel on a VPS, if you look hard enough you could probably find a decent 4gb for under £15.

As said by Tobi theres multiple tutorials on devbest already heres a little idea of how to do it though.

Setup IIS :

Then you need to install web platform installer :
Once installed download the following : PHP 5.6.31
MySQL Windows 5.5
IIS Recommended Configuration
URL Rewrite

You'll be prompted to set a password, this password will be your database password.

Then you'll need to download the following : Navicat
Your CMS and EMU

Your database will be installed into Navicat, basically the same way you would install it to PHPmyAdmin

Finally youll need to config all your files replacing your hamachi IP with your VPS IP and then open your ports.

To open ports go here :

I hope you find this helpful, feel free to contact me if this doesn't work as I just tried to remember this off the top of my head lol.
Good luck buddy
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