Looking for a Hotel Manager.


New Member
Nov 9, 2013
Looking for a Retro Hotel Manager.

A couple days ago, me and 2 friends of mine started building a new retro. It is still in development, and we haven't opened it officially yet. After a couple days we decided to go to the english community, where we wanted to take the challenge and just go for it.

About us:

We are with the 3 of us, we got 2 hotel founders right now, that would be me, Weszz and Berat. The 3th one doesn't really wanna have his name on the forums, but does our development, and so far, hes doin a damn good job. We are mature, and wanna have a good community to start with, before we open officially. We are from The Netherlands and, as you might allready suspect, we need an english manager to help us run the hotel in the right direction. Since we have no experience in the english community, and it might be a bit different here and there.

What do we need from you?

- Your english is better as mine (Wouldn't be that hard i suppose, since its not my main language. :p)
- Need to be 18+ atleast. Even though people that are younger can do a hell of a job, we want someone with life experience.
- Can be online quite a lot per day. And is able to be active on the retro hotel asswell.
- You can be patient at times
- You are able to think in possibilities rather then problems
- Experience in this matter is quite helpfull asswell, and a bit of knowing how a databse works might be welcome too.

Or anything you can add to help us out. Use your imagination :p

What do we have to offer:

- We are patient but also know our place. We are not desperate for any fame or money, as long as the server gets paid.
- A starting hotel that hasn't opened officialy yet.
- More custom furni then most of the popular retro's i've seen so far.
- A developer that uses his own CMS and years of work in to it.
- A steady dedicated server, that does have a really good DDoS protection i might say, and i am not challenging anyone..
- We have no moderators, helpers or admins yet. We wanna choose out of the people that are playing, to give everyone a fair shot.
- And a housekeeping system custom made, that makes our lives a lot easier. (Example: Adding 1600 pokemon furni in a matter of a couple minutes. Wich gives, once again, credit to our developer for sure!)

Also, we will agree on something before we pull it trough. We are a team, not a couple solo's:)

If you have any interest of joining our community,
Please contact me on Discord by adding me:


Ps: We do not need any staff members or developers other then a manager.
Also i will not post the link to our Retro on the forums.
If you are interested to join us, we will have a conversation at first, just to protect our retro from anyone that wants to disturb our retro for fun.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
This is not a Habbo Advertisement. I’ve moved the thread to Team Recruitment > Habbo Hotel for you.


Absolute Legend
Jul 4, 2017
Good luck looks like your asking for a lot especially for volunteers but nevertheless good luck I'm wondering though what makes you different then the 9 pages full of retro on findretros


Mar 13, 2017
Good luck looks like your asking for a lot especially for volunteers but nevertheless good luck I'm wondering though what makes you different then the 9 pages full of retro on findretros
they're not really asking for a lot atall, just basic requirements?

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