Looking for a developer ASAP


MILF Slayer
Dec 27, 2019
Hello there I'm currently searching for the right developer, You don't have to be advance you just got to know the basic's and how to edit some stuff on the hotel. You will receive Developer role on the hotel and also on the discord. I need a developer as fast as I can get one if you feel like you could fulfill these roles then pls contact me on discord jawn#6969 Thanks I'll try to read you're message the fastest I can!


Mar 31, 2018
Hello, If you are looking for a developer who can edit things and code many things within a CMS/EMU, i can do the main things, add commands, edit CMS Style, Color, Etc.. If you are still looking for a developer shoot me a DM on Devbest and i will get back to you at roughly 3pm EST

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