Is it just me that thinks VSC suck for go?


May 25, 2018
I've tried it so many times now, but keep coming back to GoLand or IntelliJ Ultimate for the task of programming in go (and every other language)
Maybe it's just me being such noob not knowing what plugins I need? I've tired to google around a lot but that haven't done the trick. Maybe some of you could guide me in the right direction?

The only plugin I have right now is Go and Go Nightly

My main problems are:
  • Slow intellisense (sometimes it's not even working at all?)
  • Fail at importing packages
  • Can't go quick to implementation
  • Can't see godoc (only in the implementation of course)
  • No error highlight
Please help! Im tired of being limited to 30 minute goland sessions


DevBest CEO
May 28, 2011
I've experienced issues with vscode and go but I know some people at work who haven't (they use vscode as their primary dev environment). I switched over to goland as I find it a lot more reliable (and having used intellij and pycharm in the past, I'm used to jetbrains IDE config/setup)

P.S: have you got all the bits mentioned here?

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